Damage from fake eyelashes: how to remedy it
Simple and effective remedies to get back perfectly healthy eyelashes

Among the most requested beauty treatments in recent times there are without a shadow of a doubt those concerning the eyelashes. Especially for women (and men) who have always wanted an intense and profound look, but who were born with short and non -curved eyelashes. The thick and long eyelashes make the magnetic look even without the application of pencils and mascaras. And the extensions can give the same result, as long as it is done by expert hands. However, if the work is done as a faidan or even worse treatment from incapable hands, not only the result could be a disaster and there could be damage to natural eyelashes. Below you will find the advantages of the eyelashes Extension, the advice to follow for their application and, above all, what to do to get back fabulous eyelashes again if something had gone wrong in the treatment.
Why resort to eyelash extensions?
Long and thick eyelashes make the gaze much more intense and captivating in a natural way. The eyes are more expressive and gains the whole face with a beauty. Unfortunately, however, not everyone is lucky enough to have beautiful natural eyelashes and resorting voluminating or fake eyelashes every day in Mascara seems to be the fastest and faster solution. Instead, this is not the case because in the long run this daily commitment can tire and the eyelashes risk weakening. It is in these cases that extensions can really make a difference: a long -lasting treatment that affects natural eyelashes, radically changing their appearance.

An exclusive of the most experienced hands
When we talk about eyelash extensions we refer to a real aesthetic treatment that involves the application of fake eyelashes on natural eyelashes. Among the many proposals of the beauty centers are of different types: in synthetic material, of real hair, in silk fiber or even of animal origin. This is the characteristic that most affects the price. The result is a more intense and magnetic gaze, given by longer, voluminous and more voluminous eyelashes, but always with a natural appearance. However, it should never be forgotten that it is a beauty treatment that provides for the application of specials with synthetic glues precisely at the base of the eyelashes, at the height of the eyelid, an operation that if done by non -expert hands and without the most suitable tools And sterilized can cause damage not to be underestimated.

Well applied extensions
The natural function of our eyelashes is to protect the eye from impurities and Pulviscoli that are in the air. Based on this data, well applied extensions are those that in addition to aesthetically improving the eye do not prevent the eyelashes from performing their natural function.

Duration and removal
Well applied eyelashes can last from about 3 to 5 weeks as they do not hinder the normal growth of natural eyelashes. They can be repositioned periodically, if we liked the result of the treatment and you want to continue. Keep in mind that the extensions can be ruined with biphasic make -up removals and what to avoid absolutely is the do -it -yourself removal that can cause considerable damage to your natural eyelashes. You need to make an appointment in the trusted beauty center to remove them in complete safety.

How to cure lashes damaged by the extensions
The cells damaged by the extensions are particularly fragile and branched. An alarm bell not to be underestimated! In cases like these it urgently remove the extensions and start a specific treatment to restore strength and health to your eyelashes.

No mascara
For a few weeks, it would be a good practice to avoid the application of mascara as much as possible. So as to give the eyelashes the possibility of breathing and not having to "bear" the weight of the makeup.

Castor oil
Ricino oil is the most suitable and most used oil in treatments to strengthen weakened eyelashes. It is a strong stimulant of the growth of healthy, robust and brighter eyelashes. It is a natural oil that applied daily for about twenty days before going to sleep gives incredible results. You can apply it either with an old mascara brush (from which all make -up residues have been washed) or with a brush with soft bristles. Apply it on the entire length of the eyelashes, from the root to the tip.

Coconut and olive oil
Two other oils very effective for the health of the eyelashes: coconut oil - which with its fatty acids and its antioxidant substances makes them more voluminous and thick and contributes to eliminating dead cells - and olive oil, That thanks to its nutrients strengthens the eyelashes like never before.

Rosa Mosqueta oil
This oil has antiseptic and antifungal properties that help the growth of eyelashes, reducing the risk of irritation, inflammation and eye infections.

Health from the table
Lastly, but not least, it is the help that comes from nutrition. Dry fruit, vegetables, legumes, fresh fruit and extra virgin olive oil are real allies to help your gaze from the inside. The numerous vitamins and mineral salts that these foods make to the body can really make a difference for the beauty of the eyelashes.

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