8 popular vegetables that can not eat in raw form

Fans of raw foods argue that the thermal treatment of vegetables deprives them of all useful substances and vitamins. But not everything is so unequivocal.

Fans of raw foods argue that the thermal treatment of vegetables deprives them of all useful substances and vitamins. But not everything is so unequivocal. Some vegetables are more useful to eat cooked. And there are those who are at all dangerous eating raw. How to "recognize" the enemy and avoid food poisoning, read in our review.

Green tomatoes

Unworthy tomatoes are toxic for the human body, because they contain a lot of Solanin. This plant substance is produced to combat fungi and parasites. Only 25 mg of Solanina can lead to poisoning. In addition, scientists argue that even mature is better to be thermal processing. Prepared tomatoes contain more liquiscipin - antioxidant, significantly reduced the risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

Cabbage (Brussels, Color, Broccoli)

Raw broccoli, Brussels or cauliflower will not lead to poisoning, but the bloating and spasms will be provided with you. Without thermal processing, these vegetables are extremely digested. The optimal option is to prepare them for a couple. In this form, the cabbage will retain the maximum of vitamins and no abdominal pain.


The raw starch contained in the potato cheese will also cause discomfort in the stomach. And if there are green spots under the skin of the root, it is better to refuse him at all. Such potatoes contains siln - vegetable poison, which can cause serious food poisoning.


Fresh rhubarb contains a large amount of oxalic acid. Most people have a strong irritation of the walls of the stomach and intestines.


Pumpkin is better not to use cheese. Especially if she is bitter taste. Bind vegetable gives cornbitalin - a rather toxic substance. In addition, the heat treatment of pumpkin releases liquor and carotenoids. These antioxidants reduce the risk of diabetes, hypertension and many other diseases.


Never eat raw eggplants, especially early. They contain a large number of Solanin. As we have said, the use of Solanina can lead to serious gastrointestinal disorders and food poisoning.


Raw olives contain toxic compound oleuropein. It is it that gives the olquam bitter taste. Before use, they must necessarily go through the marinency process. Then they acquire a familiar taste and become "edible".


Crude carrots undesirable to use people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. It contains in its composition a lot of carotene, an irritant intestinal wall. Even healthy people nutritionists advise to eat carrots with a small amount of vegetable oil. Fat helps better absorb caroten.

Categories: Food and travel
Tags: vegetables
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