11 ways that families have evolved over the last decade

Gender roles and parenting styles moved quickly in the 2010s.

Our cultural definition ofWhich qualifies as a family Radically changed in the last 50 years. The old cliché of a two-pay-two-child household - where the father goes to work and mother cooking dinner - is far from the only option in the modern world. But it can surprise you to learn that families change faster than ever and you may not even notice. Over the last 10 years, the dynamics of the family that would have been unthinkable is now the norm. The number of children's couples become upwards schooling at home, here's the same way as families haveevolved over the last decade.

The parents of the same sex become more and more accepted.

daughter with two fathers at dinner table

Support for LGBTQ + adoption has never been high. In fact, according to a 2019Swallow Survey, 75% of Americans believe that same-sex couples must be allowed to adopt and raise children. In 1998,35% of Americans Mainly supported the adoption rights of the sex couple.

And their support is not simply based on their personal beliefs. There is new evidence, like this 2018 study published in theDevelopment and Behavioral Pediatric Journal, that the psychological well-being of children raised by same-sex parents is not different from that of children raised by opposite sexual parents.

More parents are educated at home.

mother homeschooling daughter

Schooling at home has been legal at the US.S. Since 1993, but according to theNational Center for Education StatisticsThe children enrolled at home have doubled since 1999. Today, 1 out of 33 children are educated at home.Whitney Koski, a mother of the city of New York who opted for the house at home his daughters 11 and 9, told thePost of New York That she "did not want our girls to be placed in an environment where everyone had to learn in the same way."

More family dinners consist of rapid restoration.

family eating fast food

Fast restoration may not be the best source of nutrition for growing bodies, but it's a more popular option than ever for parents. In 2018, a survey of Connecticut UniversityRUDD Center for Food Policy and Obesity have found that 91% of parents had bought at least one fast food for their child last week, compared with 79% in 2010.

The age of the first moms is on the rise.

mother holding baby

The age at which women have their first child has slowly increased since the 1970s, but a sharp increase over the last 10 years. The average age is now 26.3 years, according to a study of 2016 by theNational Center for Health Statistics. It is even higher in cities like San Francisco and New York, where women often expect until 31 or 32 to have their first child, as indicated in a year 2018New York Times report.

More families have one child.

happy family laying on wooden floor

Parents magazine called it "the rise of" families "" "" "families are simply not balloon forBouquet of Brady more sizes. In fact, the number of married couples who have decided that a child is enoughdouble since the 1970s, according to aPEW Research Center investigation.

Interface marriages are more common.


To marry someone who shared your religious beliefs was a data. But a 2015PEW Research Center Survey revealed that since 2010, 39% of Americans have chosen a spouse who does not share his particular religious points of view. In 1999, this statistic was 29%.

But fewer couples get married overall.

marriage material

The rate of unmarried couples is at a "high record", according to a 2014PEW Research Center Investigation, with an adult in five out of 25 opting not to marry at all. "It is becoming more and more acceptable to be in a long-term and engaged relationship without a legal document"Pamela J. Smock, Director and Professor of Research at the Population Center at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, saidNBC News in 2013.

More moms workandstay at home.

businesswoman holding tablet

The gender stereotypes of the past - when men went to the office andThe women remained at home Raising children and clean the house - areso last millennium. According to a 2019NBC NewsReport: "Since remote work has been on the rise over the last decade, the number of home stays at home works at home." In fact, according toFlexjobs' 2018 survey, 65% of the mothers of stay at home reported to need and want to work.

Children receive more independence.

young boy reading on subway

When New YorkerLenore SKENAZY Let her 9 year old son take the metro home alone in 2008, he causeda public outcry. Which may have been an extreme example, but 10 years later, free parenthood became a national phenomenon and acultural movement. In 2018, Utah became the first US state to adopt legislation that protected parents who left their children in the world without them, which proves attitudes about children and independence saw a major change.

Parents are overloaded on social media.

facebook liek and share buttons

Listen, we get it. All proud parents feel thewant to share Adorable pictures of their children on Facebook and Instagram. But over the last decade, things have had some control. A 2015 report byAppointed I noticed that the average child has nearly 1,500 photos of them posted online before their fifth birthday. "I feel like I'm absolutely no privacy," said a kid's desperate intermediariesReddit recently. "I can not talk to my own mother for fear that she poses on social media. I am his child, not his dog, and I would like to be treated as a human being."

And yet, more parents become panicked on the internet.

father taking sons phone away

The greatest fear among parents in 2019 was not something that could cause real damage to their children, but rather a patient. Momo, a creature similar to a bird with frightening eyes, was related to widespread repressionurban legend On difficult children on YouTube to be wary. All was ahoaxBut hysteria reflected very real fears of parents in an internet age. The 2018American family survey I revealed that the number one concerned about the parents of their children was the "overuse of technology" that beats drugs, sexual activity and mental health problems.

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