8 things that will happen to your body if you eat two eggs per day

For a long time, the eggs undeservedly wore a reputation of a harmful product. A lot of cholesterol, heavy for the liver - some people deliberately refused to eat eggs, taking care of their health. However, in the light of recent studies of scientists, the opinion of doctors and nutritionists has changed radically.

For a long time, the eggs undeservedly wore a reputation of a harmful product. A lot of cholesterol, heavy for the liver - some people deliberately refused to eat eggs, taking care of their health. However, in the light of recent studies of scientists, the opinion of doctors and nutritionists has changed radically. How irreplaceable benefits bring chicken eggs to human body, read in our material. You will be pleasantly surprised!

Improve memory and thinking

Yolk chicken egg is rich in provitamin choline, which has a beneficial effect on the work of the brain: improves memory and thinking, increases the ability to concentrate. Scientists have repeatedly been proven that it is choline that is the main construction material of the brain. The deficit of this substance may cause serious cognitive disorders.

Save vision

Chicken eggs contain a large amount of lutein antioxidant, which helps the body to maintain clear and acute vision. With a serious shortage of this substance, the vision is irreversibly deteriorating. In addition, the egg yolk is rich in vitamin A, the disadvantage of which becomes the cause of the so-called "chicken blindness".

Protect from osteoporosis

The yolk contains almost the same amount of vitamin D as fishery. Vitamin D, in turn, helps the body better absorb calcium, thereby preventing the development of such a dangerous disease as osteoporosis. Doctors are especially recommended to use chicken eggs for women over 40 years old.

Slow down the aging process

Studies of the Dutch scientists showed phenomenal conclusions. After regular use of chicken eggs, 87% of the studied women over 40 years old have disappeared pigment stains and wrinkles around the eyes were noticeably smoothed.

Make hair and skin beautiful

The composition of chicken eggs includes many useful trace elements - phosphorus, zinc, iron, zinc, iodine. This product is also saturated with Vitamins of Group V. Biotin, Riboflavin, Cyanocobalamin - the shortage of these vitamins negatively affects the condition of hair, nails and skin.

Prevent cancer development

Holine, which, as we learned, is very useful for the brain, also reduces the likelihood of breast cancer. During the research, it was found that women who daily use chicken eggs, the risk of cancer decreased by 18%.

Promote weight loss

Egg protein - an easy product. It is an excellent building material for new cells. That is why the eggs advise there are those who seek to grow muscle mass. It is not a secret also that eggs contribute to the rapid saturation of energy and effectively reduce appetite. This nutritional product nutritionists advise for breakfast. Regular use of their use helps the body to successfully monitor Great - hump hormone.

Reduce the risk of atherosclerosis

Contrary to stereotypes, cholesterol contained in the eggs does not harm the person. In fact, it even slows down its own cholesterol production by the body. In addition, the egg yolk contains all the well-known Omega-3 fatty acids. They have a beneficial effect on the state of the vessels, reduce the level of triglycerides in the blood and prevent the development of atherosclerosis.

Categories: Food and travel
Tags: egg
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