What is autumn: 7 useful seasonal products
Autumn is the time of pies, hot tea and warm evenings in the family circle. She is rich in not only crimson foliage on trees, but also delicious seasonal products.

Autumn is the time of pies, hot tea of heteply evenings in a family circle. It is wealth only by crimson foliage on trees, but also delicious seasonal products.
1.Pumpkin- Queen of autumn. And it is not necessary to limit the recipes only with cream soups. From pumpkin cooking a sweet cake or sulate with feta cheese and arugula. And the subflore cooked in the pumpkin, looks like effect. Seeds do not throw away, but dried. Lacon for lovers to make something in front of the TV.

2.AutumnalophrutesWe absorbed warmth of summer, because onitaky fragrant. Apples, pears and quince - the most relevant autumn fruit. Cooking a charlotter, generarized apples cinnamon. And the most fashionable reception with pears is a pizza on thinty, with four cheeses and arugula. Osayva will be the otmnaya homemadelade, try which will gather away distant relatives.

3. Season - Fresh seasonWaldkyorekhov. And you can add to the baking, saladiili is separate from other products. There are ways to improve the work of the brain and heart.

4.Autumnaliazoda- Kalina, Buzin and Cranberry. All one-touch sour, so that there are them in freshlywide. But as their taste is transformed by heat treatment and in combination with stradhead ingredients! Excellent jam and syrup are perfectly combined with meat perfectly perfectly with meat, attacks with sweet filling in pies. Schay with viburnum and sugar - the best protected viruses in cold autumn weather.

5.BeetThe seemingly not a noteworthy autumnacorepalod. But if a little multistaculinary books, you will be surprised, how many copyrighted dishes can be cooked. Chocolate cake made of beets of affected guests, and no one even guess that this vegetable in it is one of the main committees. And you can still make beetlery and beets. Universal Seasoned Kornemploda will also speak to the score of the dye.

6. Saying the time to collectmushrooms. The best, of course, is to do it in placescologically clean and in the company of a charming mushroom. After the good rainy of the warm autumn sun, chanterelles, whiteshegribor or oysteries may appear in your singer. Chanterelles can be dried, a white mushroom dry, an alert fry with potatoes.

7. Cabbage Beautiful, in all its kinds. Brussels, color, white. Do not go around it and use the maximum in your diet. From the cauliflower you can cook a beautiful puree, which will compete with mashed potatoes. Brussels cabbage is perfectly combined with soy sauce. And from ordinary cabbage you can always cook a quick fresh salad. Add to the cabbage ham, canned corn and sauce, so you get a real festive dish.

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