6 unexpected ways to learn to eat less

Large portions, snacks on the run - the main enemy in the fight against overweight. How not to overeat and do not suffer from hunger?

The reason for our overeating is often lifted in a certain lifestyle. Large portions, snacks on the run - the main enemy in the fight against overweight. How not to overeat and do not suffer from hunger? We collected six simple tricks that will help you painlessly reduce calorie intake.

1. Purchase and get up early

If you want to lose weight and learn is less, get up early! Scientists from North Carpent University in America came to this conclusion. In the course of the research, they found out that the larks consume 200 calories less at lunch and almost 400 less - for dinner. High-quality sleep also helps in the fight against overweight. And, on the contrary, people who sleep less than 7-8 hours are prone to obesity.

2. Move

Without sports in our life, toohere nothing. There is no doubt that people who are constantly in motion eat less compared to those who are constantly sitting on the spot. And it does not matter with dumbbells in the gym, regularly make morning exercises or walks on the park with children every day. The secret is that simple aerobic loads increase blood sugar levels, because of what we want less. In addition, endorphins are produced during sports in the body, which help us fight stress and reduce cravings for sweets.

3. Hug and kiss

Warm hugs and kisses are not only pleasant, but also useful for our overall well-being. The whole thing in a special hormone oxitocin, which is produced in the process of mutual tenderness. It increases the level of trust between partners, reduces the feeling of fear and anxiety. Other miraculous effects of oxytocin on the body - normalization of metabolism and decrease in appetite.

4. Eat more protein food

Skin food: meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese - helps to keep the feeling of satiety for a long time. It is especially important to include it in your diet for breakfast, when our body especially needs and energy.

5. Use aromatherapy

It is no secret that the smells are able to calm our nervous system, which means to slow down the emotional overeating. It is especially useful to keep the aromalamp on your desktop. Indeed, in the process of work, we often want to have a snack with something high-calorie. Periodically pour an anise oil in the aromalamp, lavender or mint - they are well muffled feelings of hunger.

6. Dress warm

Our body spends a huge amount of energy on heating. That is why in the cold months of the year we always want to eat. Because of frequent snacks in winter, we usually get better for several kilograms. Cozy warm clothes and comfortable indoor temperature will get rid of you from the need to constantly replenish the energy reserves.

Categories: Lifestyle
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