10 useful advice with young and future mothers

Swim or do not swaddle a child? Why are harmful walkers? Is it worth it to limit your diet nursing mom? We will talk about these and other important issues today in our review.

Swim or do not swaddle a child? Why are harmful walkers? Is it worth it to limit your diet nursing mom? We will talk about these and other important issues today in our review.

Most young mammies are terribly afraid of children's crying. And immediately draw in their imagination the most terrible paintings: something is wrong with the child, he fell ill, it urgently needs to be offered to the hospital. In fact, crying is the only way for the baby to communicate with the outside world. In this way, he reports that he wants to sleep or hungry, or just feels some kind of discomfort.

Pediatricians advise the maiden swaded only in the first three months of life. During this period, the child is chaotically moves hands and legs, so shuddering in a dream, he can easily wake himself. Warding helps the kid to take an embellished position - it greatly facilitates life and to him, and parents.

Having heard the advice of moms and grandmothers, many young mothers, in order not to harm the health of the child, significantly limit their diet. Up to the buckwheat porridge with water. But this approach is rooted incorrect. First, it leads to a decrease in the number of vitamins and minerals in breast milk. Secondly, restrictions are extremely adversely affect the emotional state of the mother itself. It is almost impossible to predict what products each, a particular baby will have a reaction. Therefore, and draw up lists of dangerous products is completely meaningless.

Another stereotype, pursuing moms from the time of the Soviet Union, is a child only to bathe in boiled water. In extreme cases, add disinfectant to the bath. In fact, there is no need for this. If you, of course, use the central water supply, and do not take water somewhere in the river or well.

Most pediatricians advise breastfeeding kid up to a year or up to three years. Why exactly the age framework? Attempts to overcome a semi-year-two-year-old child from the chest end with a rather aggressive reaction from its side, hystericals and neurosis. Unlike a one-year-old baby, he already understands that he is told something important. But explain to the child on the mental level, why it happens, it is absolutely impossible. Another thing, a three-year-old child. He has already formed his own "I", so it is much easier to negotiate with him.

Do vaccinations or not? This question cannot be given a categorically accurate answer. It all depends on what diseases. Let's say the windmill is easy enough tolerated by children and does not carry any serious consequences for its body. But, diphtheria or poliomyelitis are very serious illnesses that are a serious threat to the child's life. You need to be vaccinated from them anyway.

As a rule, wearing a child in the sling provides only a positive effect on the health of the baby and moms. The correct conditions for the growth of hip joints are created, lactation is maintained at mom. But there are always exceptions. For example, if a very fragile, asthenic physique of mom. In this case, you do not need to risk and passing back. It is better to pay attention to alternative options: Autotransfers, for example.

Despite the fact that the antibiotics of the new generation are much less aggressively affected by the body, they still harm their health, the more shorter than the baby. Therefore, to give the child to their "just in case" in no case cannot. As a rule, in the first three or five days of the disease, the body of the child himself struggles with a poor. And only if complications arise, the doctor resorts to antibiotic therapy. But such cases, fortunately, occur infrequently.

Doctors converge unanimously in the opinion that the usual walkers do not benefit the child. Even, on the contrary, only harm. In essence, this thing only imitates the walking skill. In reality, the baby does not learn anything. Leave a child alone, and let him better lie in the floor and trying to do something on his own.

Orthopedic shoes for kids, which sellers advertise in stores, it is worth buying only by the testimony of the doctor. In other cases, it is possible to limit the usual pair of shoes. Of course, it should be high quality, which can be said synonym Dear. But it should not save. The health of the child is above all.

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