10 working tips for care for sensitive skin

In the spring period it is especially important to carefully care for the skin of the face, especially if it is sensitive. Take a note of 10 working advice to care for sensitive skin, and the result will not make yourself wait long.

In the spring period it is especially important to carefully care for the skin of the face, especially if it is sensitive. Take a note of 10 working advice to care for sensitive skin, and the result will not make yourself wait long.

1. Type of skin
Never buy skin care products at Avos, always consider the features of your skin. Therefore, first determine your skin type, and then choose cosmetics, respectively.

2. Probes and testers
Do not trust advertising and sprayed drugs. To prevent unpleasant consequences, we recommend first to buy a probe or test the tool in a cosmetic store, and then make a purchase. So you can understand whether you are suitable for this or that means.

3. Gentle skin cleansing
Sensitive skin must be very delicately cleaned from makeup. Remember that your skin type especially needs tender care. Forget about the aggressive means on the basis of alcohol, you are best suited for soft milk or micellar water.

4. Splashing peeling
Many say that peeling is delicately acting on sensitive skin, which means that the usual scrubs are not for you. We advise you to conduct a peeling procedure only at a beautician who can correctly choose a means with a neutral pH so as not to injure your skin.

5. Cream for sensitive skin
Moisturizing is the key to healthy and shining skin. Sensitive skin, high-quality moisturizing cream is simply necessary. Pay attention to the composition: there should not be alcohol, parabens and essential oils. For your skin type cream with linoleic and hyaluronic acid, panthenol and antioxidants.

6. Night care
During sleep, the skin is best restored, so the night cream should be nutritious and have components that soothes the skin, returning the tone and elasticity.

7. Skin protection from the negative effect of the sun
Girls often forget that the tan is harmful, especially if the skin is sensitive. Properly selected sunscreen with the SPF factor will help not only prevent the negative effect of the sun on your skin, but also protects it from the appearance of wrinkles and dryness.

8. Water
Even very sensitive skin will look much healthier if it is possible to saturate the body with the right amount of water. Experts recommend drinking about 8 glasses of water per day, then you can not worry about your appearance, and the face will emit freshness and health.

9. Proper nutrition, healthy sleep, lack of stress and bad habits
Alcohol, smoking, improper nutrition and stress - all this directly reflects on your face. Sensitive leather like a lactium paper will show how you care about your health. Therefore, in order to look good, get comfortable about the right lifestyle, which will provide you with youth and beauty for debts years.

Categories: Beauty
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