9 ways to please a man, not to say a word

To make a good impression on a man, not always need words. In this article, we have collected useful information about how to like a man, not to say a word.

To make a good impression on a man, not always need words. In this article, we have collected useful information about how to like a man, not to say a word.

1. Emit confidence
The first thing that men pay attention is the confidence of a girl in themselves. It has been proven that men literally pulls the magnet to representatives of beautiful sex who know their price.

2. Turn to the person
How to give to understand a man, what do you like? Just turn to your face - it will show your attitudes for communication. Even if you are in the company, your personal presence in the conversation will say more than words.

3. Be beautiful and well-groomed
Not in vain say - "Meet the clothes." Especially if we are talking about a man. Each man wants to see a beautiful, joyful and happy woman next to him. Remember that a man is truly judged by his woman. It is not always necessary to divert with outfits and make-up - well-groomed hair and a soft smile will be enough.

4. Keep posture
Remember the posture always, even when no one looks at you. Beautiful posture, neck, gait - All this gives you a queen.

5. Remember the smile
To position the interlocutor to yourself, you need to be open and not forget to smile. A girl who often smiles, a man begins to trust faster.

6. Look in the eyes
One deep look you can set the contact better. Of course, you should not be imposed on and too showing the initiative - leave this prerogative to whom you want to conquer.

7. Show care
An intuitive man is looking for the one that will be a custodian of a homemade hearth and a good mother for his children. Therefore, any manifestations of kindness, sensuality and care will be perceived positively. Bring the plaid when it's cold, please be a delicious dish, help in some kind of business - and your efforts will be appreciated.

8. Be weak
In our time of feminism and gender equality, gender roles have long been mixed. But still, if you are a supporter of traditional values, do not forget to emphasize his masculinity in a man. Allow a man to convey heavy bag, pay the bill in the restaurant, etc. Soon you will notice how your partner will open.

9. Play with lips
Physical attraction to the partner can be emphasized the game of lips. Of course, you should not lick your lips too often, so as not to look silly or went, but you can sometimes eat them sometimes.

Categories: Relationships
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