10 stars of Russian instagram, over the appearance of which a plastic surgeon worked
Signing on Instagram of the Pages of recognized beauties, we think that they have very outstanding external data from nature, but in fact most of them were resorted to the "upgrade". Due to the availability of plastic surgeons today, many are improving their beauty, although it is very rare in this publicly. In our today's selection, we have collected information about 10 stars of Russian instagram, which at one time resorted to plastic.

Signing on Instagram of the Pages of recognized beauties, we think that they have very outstanding external data from nature, but in fact most of them were resorted to the "upgrade". Due to the availability of plastic surgeons today, many are improving their beauty, although it is very rare in this publicly. In our today's selection, we have collected information about 10 stars of Russian instagram, which at one time resorted to plastic.
1. Anastasia Ryetov
A 21-year-old girl Timati Anastasia Ryttov is one of the main trendsetters of the country. It is also not shyling regularly demonstrate all the charm of its figure in instagram. But if you look at her old photos, it becomes clear that Nastya has changed a lot. So, insiders say she removed Kickki Bisha and made plastic skull. Also, the girl increased his lips and changed the nose shape. There is also doubt the authenticity of the bust and the buttocks of Anastasia Ryatova.
2. Alena Shishkova
The former girl Timati Alena Shishkov also has also changed very much since his youth. Old photos indicate that 25-year-old beauty increased her lips, chest and made rhinoplasty. In addition, according to rumors, Alain made a suspendedness of the eyelids and forehead, and also periodically resorts to Fillers.
3. Oksana Samoilova
The wife of another popular rapper is confused and the business woman Oksana Samoilova does not hide that at one time it became a victim of fashion for plastic operations and also "corrected" his face. Oksana increased her lips and a little referred to the face and the shape of the nose. Also, despite the fact that the famous beauty spends a lot of time in the gym and boasts the perfect figure, she increased her breasts.
4. Anastasia Kvitko
Russian Kim Kardashyan, Anastasia Kvitko, does not cease to convince everyone in the authenticity of his forms, but it is unlikely that someone believes that these appetizing bends appeared thanks to constant training. Experts say that Nastya made liposuction, increased his chest and buttocks, but now she is a popular model in America and even worked with the Kanye West.
5. Maria Pogrebnyak
The wife of the Russian footballer Maria Pogrebnyak is an example for imitating for many women. After all, she raises three children, at the same time it looks perfect and has its own business. Maria does not hide that he likes to experiment with his appearance. In particular, she adjusted the shape of the lips, the nose, and also, most likely, removed Kicky Bisha, because in recent years its cheekbones have become much more expressive.
6. Katya Zhuzh
The famous beauty of Katya Zhuzh also experienced the charms of plastics on themselves. She appealed to plastic surgery to enlarge the chest, make the nose more accurate, as well as highlight the cheekbones.
7. Olesya Malibu
No one has a doubt that Olesya Malibu is regularly visited by a plastic surgeon. To become a star Instagram, Olesya worked over the chin, nose and over his breast size.
8. Victoria Lopirez
From nature, a pretty Victoria was not pleased with his appearance, although many men and plastics were ready to throw peace to her feet. Carefully Victoria Locking has changed when it changed the shape of the nose, increased her lips and inserted the fillers.
9. Victoria Romanets.
The star "House-2" Victoria Romanets also divided his life on before and after. It is no secret that the girl resorted to rhinoplasty, increased her chest and lips, and also prevents wrinkles with the help of "beauty enclosures". Whatever it was, and Victoria Romanets is one of the most popular girls in Russian instagram.
10. Evgenia Feofilaktova
The idol of millions of girls and the star "House-2" Eugene changed themselves gradually. Evgenia Feofilaktova first increased his chest, then increased her lips and adjusted the shape of the nose. The last stroke was the change of hair color. It is known that Star Istagram regularly makes beauty injections and cares for the face of a beautician.

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