10 useful products that need to eat in winter

It is no secret that in winter many are gaining weight and suffer from viral diseases. We gain weight basically those who give themselves the slack in the hope of hiding extra kilograms under the down jacket, and they are sick - due to lack of vitamins and the lack of proper products in the diet. Therefore, we publish a relevant selection containing 10 useful products to eat in winter for good well-being.

It is no secret that in winter many are gaining weight and suffer from viral diseases. We gain weight basically those who give themselves the slack in the hope of hiding extra kilograms under the down jacket, and they are sick - due to lack of vitamins and the lack of proper products in the diet. Therefore, we publish a relevant selection containing 10 useful products to eat in winter for good well-being.

1. Repa
In order not to hurt and not to gain excess weight, we recommend buying a turnip. This simple vegetable is indispensable in the winter diet. It is very rich in vitamin C, iron, calcium, sulfur and vitamin V. And it means that this winter Avitaminosis and cold will not be terrible, but you need to use the turnip several times a week.

2. Persima
In the top sheet of the most useful products of winter - persimmon. This fruit is a great dessert, and can also be a good garnish for meat. Also persimmon will enrich your organism with a variety of vitamins.

3. Rabbit meat
In winter, I want to pamper yourself with hot dishes, but they do not have to be fatty and calories. We recommend that you prepare a rabbit dishes in winter if you are meat. It is proved that it is in the rabbit meat that contains the greatest amount of vitamins and trace elements, especially the protein. Yes, and absorbs this protein is much better. Those who are sitting on a diet can indulge themselves with dietary delights from the rabbit without fear of the appearance of unnecessary folds on the waist.

4. Avocado
In order to feel full, but at the same time do not litter the body with harmful fats, we recommend including avocado in your Rauion. You can use it in salads, serve on toasts and even use in baking instead of oil.

5. Mandarins
Without mandarin, no New Year's feast is required. But this is not only a symbol of the new year. Mandarins fill the organism with the necessary vitamins, and also improve the metabolism and digestion.

6. Sybas
With the onset of cold weather, the body is even greater than at any other time of the year, needs omega-3 fatty acids, which are contained in Sybase. Prevent the colds helps iodine, which is also contained in Sybas.

7. Granat
This fruit is able to endure frost -10 degrees and does not require special skills in cooking. You can simply clean from the peel and consulted in an original form, but you can cook salad and add pomegranate grains as a decor or put meat. It turns out very tasty and useful.

8. Keyl.
Calee cabbage is just a storehouse of the vitamins so necessary to our organism in winter. It has unobtrusive taste, so suitable for both salads and cooking soups.

9. Vyshnki
How to diversify your winter menu to be delicious and useful? Prepare oyster dishes. It is proved that in their useful qualities they are not inferior to fish and white mushrooms. Therefore, in winter, more often, cook dishes from these and useful mushrooms.

10. Brussels Cabbage
Very often the Brussels cabbage is underestimated. And she is very rich in Vitamin C. Obviously, Brussels Cabbage is an indispensable product during the winter cold. Prepare salads, casserole, soups from it.

Be healthy!

Categories: Food&Travel
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