Eat and not recover: 9 sweets from which they do not get fat

The dream of many girls - there is everything and not get fat, but, unfortunately, such miracles are very rare. It is especially difficult for those who love sweets very much. Sugar becomes the cause of excess weight and many diseases, so we have prepared material about sweets, which are not corrected. We are sure that you can find something and to your liking.

The dream of many girls - there is everything and not get fat, but, unfortunately, such miracles are very rare. It is especially difficult for those who love sweets very much. Sugar becomes the cause of excess weight and many diseases, so we have prepared material about sweets, which are not corrected. We are sure that you can find something and to your liking.

1. Marshmallow
In order not to limit yourself in the sweet, but also not torturing the body with non-fat sweets, stop your choice on the marshmallow. If you have one zephyrine per day, you can not be afraid of heavy impacts in terms of excess weight. Moreover, it will even satisfy all organism systems with iron, phosphorus and protein, which is useful for muscle tissue. In addition, marshmallows - dessert, who love both adults and children. Now it is made particularly tasty small pastry shops, getting unusual tastes from fruit.

2. Black chocolate
It has been proven that bitter chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa is not only delicious, but also very useful. True, if you like sweet milk chocolate, you will have to get used to the bitterness of your beloved delicacy. Studies say that black chocolate helps to overcome stress, depression and generally strengthens the vascular system. Therefore, boldly, as a presentation for the holidays, order an expensive and high-quality black chocolate.

3. Orekhi
Those who are engaged in sports and follow their nutrition, know that nuts are the best snack between the main meals. They are useful, nutritious and undoubtedly very tasty. They can be used as a dessert, but it is not necessary to get involved, since they are very calorie. Nutritionists advise every day to eat no more handful of favorite nuts.

4. Dried fruits
In terms of its influence on the body, dried fruits are very reminded by nuts. Each of dried fruits have its own vitamins and elements that are saturated with the organism necessary for normal operations. Nutritionists advise to indulge themselves by Kuragya, raisins or figs instead of sweets, but also worth remembering the sense of measure, because in dried fruits there are many calories.

5. Honey
Honey centuries were replaced with sugar (before they learned how to extract it). This product is practically not spoiled and perfectly used as an alternative to sugar, especially if you like sweet tea. Calories do not threaten you, but the soothing effect of honey can be obtained as a bonus. It is said that the properties of honey remain the same, if not to put it in tea, and there is an easy-to-eat.

6. Oriental sweets
If you want to abandon harmful sweets in favor of useful, we recommend trying oriental sweets. Since they are based on honey, nuts, raisins and different kind of spices, sugar in pure form is practically no. And since they are also very satisfying, you can hardly eat a lot of eastern sweets. Therefore, the calories in connection with their use can not be afraid.

7. Berries and fruits
I want to candy - eat an apple, and better berries. Take care of your favorite fruit in the summer. In winter, you can eat summer berries, pre-frozen them. They do not lose their properties, but they will be saturated with the body with vitamins and microelements, and your desire of sweets at the expense of fructose will quit. Best add them to oatmeal or yogurt, make a smoothie. So benefit will be better than just eat them in the raw form.

8. Jelly, marmalade, grazing and puddings
You can not deny yourself the pleasure and there are desserts, which are based on agar (algae). The fact is that in marmalade and similar sweets there are pectin, which removes toxic substances from the body and reduces cholesterol levels. Such desserts are low-calorie, but it is worth carefully choosing that they really were natural, and did not contain chemical substitutes in their composition.

9. Syroedic candy
In our time, raw food products are very popular. In our case - raw food candies. The fact is that they are prepared almost without heat treatment and exclusively from natural ingredients. To prepare raw sourd candy or superfood, as they are often called, take crushed or fucked nuts, seeds and pastes from dates. Then, in your taste you can add various dried fruits, berries and nuts. The advantages of such a dessert is the fact that there are no artificial fats, sugar and chemical amplifiers of taste. But with the help of spices and in general, your favorite ingredients you can create an absolutely unique dessert.

Categories: Food&Travel
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