10 interesting facts about feminist Tatiana Nikonova

Over the years, the audience of the bold and provocative journalist increased markedly - the ideas of feminism are growing deeper into the consciousness of Russian citizens.

Tatyana Nikonova is a famous Russian journalist, a blogger and feminist. She received his fame due to the fact that it was not shy to publicly discuss the topics on which there was a unlawful taboo in Russia: women's health and intimate relationships with men. Over the years, the audience of the bold and provocative journalist increased markedly - the ideas of feminism are growing deeper into the consciousness of Russian citizens. I know you with the most entertaining facts from Tatiana Nikonova's biography.

1. At the beginning of Zero Tatyana Nikonov created the site Spletnik.ru - the first blog in Russia, dedicated to news and gossip about celebrities. In 2007, Nikonova sold his blog Daria Zhukova and Polina Deripask, while retaining the position of chief editor.

2. Currently, Tatyana Nikonov also writes for such successful publications as Wonderzine, The Village, poster Daily, Life.ru. Basically, its texts are dedicated to gender stereotypes, relations between women and men. The most popular text of the journalist gathered 1.65 million views.

3. The popular blog Sam Jones's Diary appeared back in 2012. In it, the journalist not only illuminates the problems of gender equality and feminism, but also responds to very intimate questions of their subscribers.

4. Nikonov became the first bloggers advertising "toys" for adults. It is curious that all products before the publication journalist tests on itself.

5. Tatyana Nikonova managed to be officially married. After seven years of marital relations, the journalist divorced. One of the causes of the divorce was the unwillingness of Nikonova alone to conduct a household. The husband categorically did not want to help her in domestic issues.

6. In 2020, Tatiana Nikonova diagnosed bipolar disorder.

7. In 2019, Tatyana Nikonov was recognized as the best blogger according to Lady.Mail.Ru.

8. In one of the releases of Comedy Club, Pavel Volya joked disrespectfully over the blog's. Nikonova made a move of a horse and shared his speech on his Facebook page, after which a loud scandal broke out in the Russian fem community. The artist has been tough criticism. Now he is much more carefully applies to the choice of topics and personalities for jokes.

9. Instagram is another important tool in the hands of Tatiana Nikonova.In his account A blogger makes a selection of thematic materials and answers subscribers, the number of which has already reached 265 thousand. An important place is given to themes of feminism and critical thinking.

10. Tatyana Nikonova was one of the first guests of the "Girlfriend" show of Tatiana Mingalimova's bloggers, better known under the nickname, "gentle editor." In the release of the girl discussed how to revive the former passion in long-term relationships.

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