Money only does your happiness until you win that a lot, the study says
Happiness rises with your banking balance - but not forever.

This old adage that "money can not buy happiness" only exists because it disputes what we can see clearly: that many ways make life a lot of lifeEasier.
Research confirms that high income levels are associated with higher levels of subjective well-being, but until recent years, no one was explored if this is considered indefinitely. Now, a new study of a team from the Purdue University found that while money improves in factquality of life, it only worksup to a certain amount in dollars.In North America, this number of peak happiness is $ 105,000 a year.
The study, which has been published inNature human behavior, explored the emotional benefits associated with aIncrease in income-Ausfi although its limits. The research team brought together Gallup World Survey data, a representative survey of more than 1.7 million people from 164 countries. They evaluated the purchasing power of individuals and analyzed questions about the overall satisfaction of life and well-being.
Although the average North American has been found collected by an income of $ 105,000, the price of happiness varies considerably around the world. The researchers noted that this is probably due to differences in the cost of life and expectations surroundingLifestyle and wealth. However, at each location, the ideal income was high enough to meet both needs and amenities, with a certain supplement. Beyond that, satisfaction begins to occur.
In fact, having much more than necessary, it was actually associated with lower levels of general satisfaction and well-being. This could be due to the fact at higher levels of income, people tend to work longer, to occupy more stressful positions and feel more pressure to continuework a job they do not like. In addition, people who have derived from the lure of the gains of matter never ending are often more likely to compare social comparison, which is associated with a sense of well-being.
So, if your income philosophy is "always upwards", consider this: there is a ceiling with the significant benefits ofmore money. Of course, a drop in income will probably make you happier because more of your needs are satisfied. But when the thrill fades, you will want to find where your true happiness lies. And for more advice on the happiest life life, check the20 the biggest myths on happiness.

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