Should I give up my jewelry during the coronavirus? Experts weigh in

If you want to stay safe during the Covid-19 pandemic, here's what to do with these balls.

As new information on theTransmission of coronaviruses and thesurfaces on which he can live Comes to light every day, many people started rethinking their daily routines. How often should you bewash one's hands? Do you need tolava your clothes In return home? Do you need to disinfect your mail? But there is a potential source of transmission, many people have not examined: their jewels.

According toRamon Tallaj, MD, Physician and Certified President of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors ofSOMOS Community Care, if you have been exposed to Covid-19, there could be coronavirus on your jewelry, so if you wantEnsure your safety during the pandemicYou would be wise of fessory these balls - especially rings - when you are outside and about.

"Delete your rings can lead to better hand hygiene," says Talaj. "If the rings are contaminated and you put them back after the hand wash, you just re-contaminate your hands."

So, how to clean your jewelry if you choose to continue wearing it?

Rings and bracelets "should be washed separately every time you wash your hands," recommends a registered work and delivery nurseJuliana Parker, who warns againstUse a hand disinfectant If you are worried about coronavirus on your jewelry.

"To properly disinfect your jewelry, you can use isopropyl alcohol of ordinary household or hydrogen peroxide on most pieces," Parker says. If you are worried about these products could be too difficult on delicate items, Parker says that the use of antibacterial soap and a soft toothbrush to clean them should be sufficient. And if you have more lasting pieces, Parker notes that you can even execute them through a disinfection cycle on the upper rack of your dishwasher to make sure they are thoroughly cleaned.

However, if you are a health professional or if you have had a touch with a sick person, experts say it's better to put all the jewelry from time.

"If you knowi for knowingly been exposed to the virus and you are in quarantine, it is best to leave your jewels, simply to have fewer objects on your body with a surface area that can carry the virus," saysRebecca Patton, PA-c.

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