8 ways to relieve shoulder pain effective at home!

In order to reduce the shoulder pain, improve the quality of life, please refer to the effective way to reduce shoulder pain at home later!

The shoulder pain is a common problem of office workers or people who regularly use phones, computers and other electronic devices. The naval shoulder pain or fiercely affects the working efficiency and the quality of the patient's life. In order to reduce the shoulder pain, improve the quality of life, please refer to the effective way to reduce shoulder pain at home later!

  1. Muscle relaxation

When the muscles in the shoulder area are hardened, cause the shoulder pain, do the muscle relaxation of the neck to relax, reduce the pain! To relax, sit in a short, comfortable position. Take a deep breath of 5-10 times before making muscle relaxation. After that, tilted his head to the left, holding his left hand to hold their heads in that position within 3-5 seconds, breathing evenly and deeply. You continue to tilt your head to the right, using your head to hold your head in that position within 3-5 seconds, breathe evenly and deeply. Perform continuously on each side about 5 times. After tilting on the two sides, you continue to make the head forward and tilt the rear head, remain in each position 3-5 seconds in combination with deep breathing and deep. Perform 5 times continuously for each position before and after.

  1. Shoulder massage with essential oil

Essential oil massage will bring you two marked effects. The massage will help circulate the role of a shoulder, which helps the muscles relax and relieve pain. The essential oil also helps you relax while stress is a cause of the shoulder pain. Therefore, massage with essential oils have both relaxing effects and enhances blood circulation, which helps relieve pain effectiveness.

  1. Keep warm

In the east days, the neck is cold is also a cause of shoulder pain due to cold air entering your body. Therefore, keep the neck with a warm scarf. In addition, when you have a shoulder pain, you can also use warm water bags to relieve pain or warm a bit of salt to relax the whole body, especially the shoulder area.

  1. Use cold stones to shrink shoulders

In summer days, if you have a shoulder pain, you can use cold stones or cold gel bags to apply. Cold rocks will help blood vessels shrink, reduce swelling and numbing small nerves at the shoulders, helping to relieve pain. However, you should not let the skin contact directly with stones, wrap the stone into a thin towel to avoid damaged skin due to cold ice.

  1. Use nutrition therapy

Nutrition therapy can also help you reduce your shoulder pain. Please use many nuts (walnuts, cashew nuts, almonds, v.V.), butter, beans, whole grains, milk and green vegetables and fruits. These foods contain many magnesium, B, phosphorus, calcium and other vitamins v.V. Good for bone joints, helping nerves well and have analgesic effects, reducing inflammation.

  1. Exercise

Regularly training for shoulders also helps you reduce your shoulder pain due to a healthier shoulder. Let's stand upright, spread my legs with shoulders, tighten the shoulder blade backwards in combination with deep breathing. You can also withdraw your shoulders and lower in combination with deep breathing. Make every minimum movement 10 times a day.

  1. Sleep right posture

To relax the shoulders and spine, lie on your back and stretch your legs comfortable when you sleep. You should use low pillows so that the spine is kept at a neutral level, does not put pressure on the spine while the shoulder is completely loosened. When your body is completely relaxing, the inner lesions will be able to heal better.

  1. Go to doctor

If you have applied all the above measures but the shoulder pain still does not relieve it, see a doctor to find out the other cause of shoulder pain and effective treatment. In addition, if your work requires sitting as much as office work, make a daily fitness habit, enhance healthy nutrition and periodically see a doctor to screen the diseases related to the related diseases. The neck of the neck in particular and joint joint is generally.

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