8 most popular beauty trends in 2020

When a year ends, a new year is about to start and make sure there are still many things for us to study in the field of beauty and skin care. So the following we will introduce you to the beauty trends that we expect to vogue by 2020

In 2019 was the crown year of skin care methods. We have spent a long time to learn how to make the skin as beautiful as possible but don't try to cover it with dozens of background cream and chalk. We have bought all kinds of Korean skin care masks and 12-step treatments to help our skin pink out from the inside out. We discovered Retinol's miracle and found that CBD essential oil could put in any kind of cosmetics. We already know how important oils are for the skin and know how to massage with dead skin cells and smooth wrinkles with quartz stone rolls. But when a year ends, a new year is about to start and make sure there are still many things for us to study in the field of beauty and skin care. So the following we will introduce you to the beauty trends that we expect to vogue by 2020.

1. Makeup in Euphoria style

Do you probably watch the drama Euphoria? And do you feel excited with the makeup of the characters in the movie? We have seen a few people who test different makeup styles but certainly this movie has increased the number of people who like to try like that more than ever. And we think this trend will definitely bloom in 2020.

2. Draw Mi Lost

If the makeup accessories in fashion shows that sell masses outside are probably, we will see creative and extremely impressive men everywhere. So keep unique fake men for parties and event events. The couples will break the way this year show it.

3. Shaping your chin with fillings

Everyone wants a sharp, neat chin and has a great type of cosmetics that will help you achieve that desire. You don't need aesthetic surgery, you only need a special filling substance that can own a beautiful, healthy chin like a model.

4. Biological perfume

We live in a too intuitive world that sometimes we forget that due to natural instincts, the scent also affects people a lot. We know there are fragrances that help them feel excited, energetic. We also heard through perfumes that contain biological actors. But it seems that this 2020 is really the year that the perfume industry will be associated with scientific studies to create positive influences with human health or help us increase focus.

5. Enhance the microorganisms beneficial for the skin

We gradually understand and acknowledge that not all bacteria and other microorganisms are harmful to humans. And we should not scrub and disinfect our skin anytime anytime. Instead in 2020, we will learn how to balance the pH of the skin and nurture the bacteria to help our skin doesn't need makeup but still beautiful, perhaps so. Skin care products focus on beneficial microorganisms can be a major factor in this strategy.

6. Makeup type other eye color

We all tried to disturb the color of the shoelaces and even brought two other Converse shoes colors. We are interested in wearing two other types of earrings and many people are also very nail polish in a style of a style. Indeed, we like the contrast and hate having to choose one of two styles, so we should choose both. Pretty 2020 will be the year that the trend of other eyes with this color spread.

7. Reflexology at home

The reflexology carpet will replace the back / neck massage device in this 2020. Its benefits are like acupuncture that you don't need to carry out or have a stranger to poke Kim. Everyone supports this reflexology carpet because it is a home therapy solution for back pain and muscle strain due to computer sitting and attentive to the phone screen too much.

8. Digital health care

Huge high medical examination costs in some countries. And the community now likes to download applications to solve the health problems they encounter rather than going to a doctor. That's good or not? We are not sure. But at least there are now many applications that help you exercise, meditate, yoga and you can even connect with psychological therapists through it. And we only hope that this trend will become more and more developed in 2020.

Tags: make up
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