Dr. Faisci has just given that "concerning" warning

The coronavirus is "unstable" and children falling sick.

Just when we felt like we were touring the tide in the pandemic, a newCOVID Variant, Delta, put more children in the hospital, raises cases and causes epidemics, mainly among uncommitted and frightening "breakthrough infections in thevaccinated. How can you keep yourself and your children safe?Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Chief Medical Councilor of the President and Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has spoken toPbProvide five life backup tips. Read on and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.


Dr. Faisci warned that Covid is now unstable. Do not act like it does not matter.

Scientists and microbiologists with PPE suit and face mask hold test tube and microscope in lab

Fuci understands that you thought the pandemic could be over and still wants it. "Frustration is understandable," he said. "But I think if you look at what we are dealing with and what we change, the virus changes. It's not a stable virus. It's a virus that over a period of time has evolved in something that's a lot More communicable. We have to face this. We can not imagine that it does not happen. And yes, it causes frustration. It could even cause anger. But the solution is a solution. If we had the overwhelming proportion. If we had the largest proportion of the vaccinated population - and I particularly refer to the 93 million people in this country that are eligible for vaccination that are not vaccinated - we would not have the tone of the conversation that you and I have right now. "


Dr. Fauci says it's who will get boosters first

Doctor holding a syringe

Immunocomodes will be boosters first. This is not a huge amount of people. "Well, we are talking about a relatively small percentage of the adult population, less than 3%. It's about 2.73%." Dr. Fauci said. "The reason is really, from the point of view of health, a very good reason, because people who are compromised at the immune, those that are congratulations that have been delimited by the FDA, such as people having organ transplants on immunosuppressive therapy, people during cancer chemotherapy, suppressive immune therapy for a number of diseases, naturally immune compromise, these people as a group have never had a really good answer and adequate at the beginning.

So we do not talk about the sustainability of a good answer that tends to expand. We are talking about people who are injured because they are at considerable risks because they are immunocompared, in which the vaccine system has never really brought them to the level you wanted. This is the reason for this extra boost, to at least try, in a proportion of them, to set them in a safe and protective manner. "

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Mr. Fauci said if you should worry about revolutionary cases

Ill woman lying in bed looking at thermometer suffering from seasonal flu and infectious disease

"The first thing we should do is that this clarifies the word breakthrough, because it really has a negative connotation," said Dr. Faisci. "No vaccine is 100% effective. Even vaccines really quite efficient, such as mRNA vaccines, which are effective 94% to 95%. But if you look at what it means, it means effectively against the disease Clinically apparent. So people who are infected despite the fact that they are vaccinated usually fall into the category, with a few exceptions, to be less symptomatic or with no symptoms.

They are classified as a revolutionary infection. The real critical question of what you want vaccines to do is to protect you from severe disease that may lead to hospitalization and, in some cases, death.

So, the fact that you get revolutionary infections, in some respects, if it protects you from getting a serious illness, the vaccine does exactly what you want to do. So, that does not say we can do better. Of course, you want to see any infection. But it's almost an impossible demand on a vaccine.
The first line is that vaccines do what we expect and want them to do, even in the context of a delta variant. "

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Dr. Faisci explained why more children were hospitalized

Nurse with thermometer measures fever on patient child in hospital bed, wearing protective visor and surgical mask.

More children are hospitalized. "Is it just a function of the population, the largest population of America that is still not validated, or is it a function of the delta variant? Both? How should we see that?" William Brangham asked.

"I think it's at a time. And there are things about the Delta variant that are concerned," said Dr. Faisci. "So when you had a high degree of transmission, you had a number of people who would be infected, a certain percentage of children would be infected. And you will remember back a long time ago, a long time ago They would say, oh, children are generally not infected as much and they do not transmit as much.

We were dealing with a different virus then. Now you have a virus that does a big and better job of infecting anyone much more efficient than the previous virus, including children. So, relatively speaking, you see more children to be infected.

And only on the numbers alone, when more children will be infected, a proportion of them, a small proportion, although, although, will end up with a serious illness, to be hospitalized. And that's one of the reasons why, perhaps the overwhelming reason, why you see children in this particular context of Delta at the hospital.

Another point, because you want to make sure that people understand everything and we are transparent. When you look at the severity of the disease with Delta and you put children aside and look especially in adults, some studies indicate that the chances of hospitalization with Delta, at least in adults, is greater than that of the 'alpha.

So, there may be a difference in gravity. We do not have this nailed yet. The thing that is nailed is that clearly it is better to transmit. Thus, you can make a hypothesis that it might be that the disease could be even more serious in children, even though we have not certainly proved that. "

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How to stay safe out there

Brunette woman wearing a KN95 FPP2 mask.

Follow the fundamentals of Fauci and help put an end to this pandemic, no matter where you live-yourself-hinder vaccinating. If you live in an area with low vaccination rates, wear a N95facial maskDo not travel, social distance, avoid big crowds, do not go inside with people you are not shelter with (especially in bars), practice good hand hygiene and protect your life and the lives of others, don 't visit one of these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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