7 signs he wants to live with you!

Dating can be fun, but dating a guy for a long time doesn't mean you will have a serious relationship. So if you dating him quite often, you two feel both attractive and attractive, whether he wants to establish a real relationship with you, or just a communal relationship Casual traffic? What a question is not easy to answer, but there are some signs that can help you determine if he wants to live with you.

Dating can be fun, but dating a guy for a long time doesn't mean you will have a serious relationship. So if you dating him quite often, you two feel both attractive and attractive, whether he wants to establish a real relationship with you, or just a communal relationship Casual traffic? What a question is not easy to answer, but there are some signs that can help you determine if he wants to live with you.

1. Does he have fun when accompanying you?
You know, he is seriously introduced to you with his friends. The men do not introduce you to his friends, whom you two randomly met on the street, often not ready and don't intend to build a serious relationship. However, if your guy always wants everyone to know you're his girlfriend and always go to that, then he certainly wants a real serious relationship with you!

2. He has a specific plan
You can assume that I am a traditional type of people but I am often impressed with dating with a specific plan and not only the opportunity to chat. We can chat, watch movies, and relax. However, if your man starts a specific plan for dates of appointments, take you to interesting restaurants, art exhibitions, cinemas, or maybe go to skating, then You can know that he spent time thinking about time with you and so, he intends to build a serious relationship with you!

3. He's a little jealous
We don't talk about a horrible person even if you just look or talk to your opposite friends. It is a bad sign. But if he is just jealous, he prove him seriously with you and want you to be his own.

4. He is interested in your preferences
He spends time to shop with you, suggestions to work with you or go out with your friends, which proves he really cares about you. He is trying to take the time to do what you like.

5. He always surprised you
Does your guy often surprise you with small gifts without any reason? You naturally give you your favorite chocolate bars, bouquets, or songs you like without birthdays or holidays. This is a sign of sure he wants to live with you.

6. He shows you your feelings
Men also have emotions like women, but they are always trying to hide it. They always try to hold emotions or express it by being different by their social attributes. But if a guy is always willing to tell you his true feelings, that proves, he wants a close relationship with you.

7. He plans to for the future
Here, we don't talk about "plans for the future" as plans about a house with white fences. But that might be the plan with you to travel at some point in the future, or with you to go to Christmas. All these plans show that he wants to have friends in the future. It is a good sign that he wants to live with you.

Categories: Relationships
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