10 things about pineapple you didn't know

Ananas has a fascinating history, and you will be surprised by a few things quite interesting.

Ananas is very good and a unique fruit. It is delicious if you consume it without other foods, but we like to eat it with pizza, fruit salad, cocktail or juice, and pineapple maraquas are the best. But what exactly do you know about pineapple? Ananas has a fascinating history, and you will be surprised by a few things quite interesting

1. The origin of the pineapple is from South America, and has been cultivated by indigenous, before Europeans come and discover this delicious fruit. Europeans have tried to cultivate it, but they have discovered that the fruit needs a tropical environment to develop, so they have led the pineapple to their colonies in Africa and Asia.

2. Talking about the cultivation of the pineapple, did you know that it takes about 3 years to grow a pineapple fruit? It is easy to grow the plant, it is enough to plant a leaf to grow the plant. But the process by which the fruit is achieved takes about 18-20 months. A pineapple plant can only produce one fruit. Think of this aspect when you complain about how fresh is the fruit.

3. The name "pineapple" dates back to 1660. The reason for which it is named is that the outside fruit resembles fir cones. The pineapple can be pungent and well protected outside, so we wonder how people have discovered the goodness of this fruit.

4. However, pineapple is tasty when baking. When they are not baked their juice is rather irritating and non-profit, the necopt and small pineapple is toxic and poisonous. It is unlikely that you will find pineapple nuts at the store, but the more baked the sweeter.

5. Pineapple is very good for the digestive system, and generally helps a healthy digestion. It gets you out of bloating, and prevents this condition. If you have digestive problems, eating a portion of pineapple every day, it will help you a lot.

6. This delicious tropical fruit is full of vitamin C and minerals. Some pineapple slices contain the required amount of vitamin C throughout the day, which helps the immune system to function properly, and will help your skin look good. Ananas is rich in vitamin A, which helps.

7. While vitamin C can be an obvious benefit of the pineapple, not all people know that pineapple is full of manganese, which is a mineral that helps keep bone health, can prevent osteoporosis and arthritis.

8. Have you ever seen a pineapple plant? Here's how they grow. Is not fascinating? What is really interesting, the pineus produces a very beautiful flower, with red or purple. At that time, the plant produces small grains that merge in the core. So technical pineapple is not a single fruit. It represents several fruit grains that merge.

9. Another interesting thing is that the pineapple does not bake after being picked. It's not like an avocado, you buy and let him bake. The pineapple in the store is baked and do not bake. So choose a baked pineapple and eat it in a few days, because they do not last for more than 3 days at room temperature or a maximum of a week in the refrigerator.

10. Many people will be against if the pizza can put on pizza or not. Some believe it is a crime against Pizza, others prefer her freshness on pizza. But you can be in any camp, you will be interested in getting a successful pizza topping. The story is more fascinating than you think.


Pineapple On Pizza WAS Impossible for 99.98% of the Human Story. Anyway, My New Book The Anthropocene Reviewed IS ABOUT THIS KIND OF STUFF.

♬ Original Sound - John Green

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