The 6 most effective ways to love yourself

The happiness of each, man or woman who is, begins with his own sake. It is simply impossible to find inner peace and happiness if you don't learn first to love yourself.

The happiness of each, man or woman who is, begins with his own sake. It is simply impossible to find inner peace and happiness if you don't learn first to love yourself. Self-esteem, self-esteem, self-esteem and trust: only these are the foundations on which to grow love, care and respect for themselves. It doesn't matter if your friends, your family and your partner love you and they estimate you for what you are because, if you are not the first to fall in love with yourself, you will still end up throwing yourself down. It is about accepting oneself for what you are with all your passions, strengths, weaknesses, talents, mistakes (even the biggest ones) and much more. We do this trip within ourselves and let's get to know the 6 most effective ways to really love yourself.

Give yourself a bit of "time for me" every day

Whether you are a busy mom, a businesswoman, a sporty woman or all these things together, it's important to spend a little "time for me" every day. This is time to spend in solitude, to harmonize feelings, listen to their desires and the world around, prepare to enjoy the day at its best. It's nice to have at least 15 minutes every morning for yourself, to make meditation or another effective self-awareness practice, before the rest of the world wakes up. This is the moment when you can find your balance and you can prepare them to face anything to happen. You can do anything: read a book, drink a cup of coffee, do yoga, go and run or just look out the window. It's the ideal time to connect with your inner self and find peace within yourself, whatever you are going to happen.

Accept what you feel

Accepting for what we are difficult for most of us because nobody really teaches us, neither by children or adults. For children we learn the most important thing is to be accepted by our parents, then we pass to schoolmates, teachers, study companions, colleagues and society in general. But what about if you started accepting us as we really are? This is the most important thing in the world. When you feel like being a nice and happy person is easier to accept, because what you are feeling is positive. It's so natural! But when you feel you down, you're angry or wounded, you would just like to eliminate this part of you, make it disappear forever, and try to ignore everything by focusing on some program on TV, coming out to take a drink or any other distraction. The point is that you need to be present to yourself even when you are sick. These moments must be experienced, not to repress them, because they will pass. Nothing is forever, not even pain. Otherwise the repressed emotions can turn into larger problems and even cause greetings.

Love your body

Your body is the precious container of your mind, your soul and your spirit and allows you to live your life at full. It allows you to feel emotions, communicate with others, be creative and creating significant relationships. The body is the first means with which we learn about and perceiving the environment that surrounds us. Learn to accept and loving your beautiful body because life would not be possible without it. Take the time you need to take care, feed it with healthy food, to choose the right diet, and do exercises, like yoga, to reconnect your being at all levels. Your body has its rhythm and needs. You could feel tired even if you would like to stay up late and you may need to go out for a walk even when you'd rather stay watching TV on the sofa. Learn to listen to your body because if he is happy, your mood and your whole life will change for the better.

Eliminate toxic relationships

You may be convinced to love you really, but it will not be so until you can eliminate any toxic relationship in your life. Sit down and make a list of all the people who have the habit of humiliating you, to miss out or to diminish you in any way. It doesn't matter if it's your parent or a dear friend. Be sincere with yourself and look at people for what they really are. When you get to realize who makes you unhappy it will be time to do some change. If you can't (yet) let them go, try putting pallets. Don't be afraid to tell them when they hurt you with what they do or they say. A simple "I don't like this" opens the way to change because some simply don't realize the impact they have on others.

set in order

Most of the time what surrounds us reflects what we have inside: our mood, our emotions and our passions. And it also applies to the contrary: the things we surround us have an impact on our psyche, our mood and our inspirations. That's why it's so important to free the space we have around. Let's start with the bedroom or with the attic - it is usually the place where we throw most of the old and useless things. We need to separate the things we like and that us still serve us from old, useless or that you simply don't like them. They can always be given or even selling them if you feel like. Making in order will create new space so that new things come into your life, including new relationships, new hobbies and positive events. Living in an orderly home has a direct impact on the feeling of safety, happiness and health.

Do something you love

When you love yourself, you naturally want to do things that bring you joy and happiness. And vice versa, if you do the things you love, make love grow for yourself while strengthening your esteem and trust in you. And this makes you a happier human being. No need to be a professional or an expert in something to be happy with what you do: it's the process what matters! If you like to run and this makes you feel better, make sure that you become a habit and enjoy it at full. If you love painting or drawing, do it every time you have free time and enjoy the emotions you feel. Don't do something for the joy of others or to have prestige or money, but simply because it makes you happy. This is an effective way to love yourself.

Categories: Lifestyle
Tags: psychology
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