8 cunning tricks that help increase product shelf life

We reveal to you 8 useful secrets, how to extend the shelf life of food products using well-made items. It's easy and easy!

Reveal 8 useful secrets as the extension of the severity of food products using fir-handed items. It's easy easy!


Bananani will deteriorate much slower, if they are in conjunction. At the same time, it is founded to be firmly rewinded by a foil or pitted film.

Бананы | 8 хитрых уловок, помогающих увеличить срок годности продуктов | Her Beauty


The leaf islated very quickly be frowning and losing freshness. To extend your life, stocking of polyethylene package paper towels. For begins from the leaf lettuce, moisture moisture breathing. Take a package, on its bottom and walls, put a papers of paper shoes or napkins and neatlapse inside the salad. Salfetkibugut to absorb an extra liquid, and the salad wagon will remain crispy.

Салат | 8 хитрых уловок, помогающих увеличить срок годности продуктов | Her Beauty


Tasty nutritious avocado, unfortunately, is stored for a short time. Especially if you leave the fridge in the refrigerator. To make its shelf life, sprinkle with lemon juice. And he himself will be welded into a hermetically closed plastic flatter, at the bottom of which put the rings of the roller onion.

Авокадо | 8 хитрых уловок, помогающих увеличить срок годности продуктов | Her Beauty


Habodin of those products that do not lose their useful properties after freezing. If for some reason, you have too much in the kitchen, it could send it to the freezer. Just do not forget to cut it into slices. Then pieces of bread can be deflated in the microwaves to use the toaster.

Хлеб | 8 хитрых уловок, помогающих увеличить срок годности продуктов | Her Beauty


Fresh-melanien: Basil, Parsley, Dill, Kinzu- It is necessary to rinse well, dry it up in a container with water. The applicant bouquet will simply flash in your throat, at least five days of the sign of fading.

Зелень | 8 хитрых уловок, помогающих увеличить срок годности продуктов | Her Beauty


If you bought olives for weight, that is, recession, we advise them to put them in the glassbank and pour olive oil. Mascustomate them from drying out and significantly concerns their life.

Оливки | 8 хитрых уловок, помогающих увеличить срок годности продуктов | Her Beauty

Onion and garlic

Glutberry and garlic is better stored in bulk refrigerators, paper bags. At the same time, they need a few holes in advance.

Лук и чеснок | 8 хитрых уловок, помогающих увеличить срок годности продуктов | Her Beauty


Lemons in the refrigerator dry very quickly. In plastic bags - quickly molds. The optimal option is to take a glass jar, fill it with clean water room temperature, immerse the lemons there, close the lid and put in the refrigerator. In this form they will continue much longer. True, this life has one essential drawback. It works only for whole fruit.

Tags: Lafzhak
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