Raffaella Carrà, the immortal queen of Italian television

Defined Regina of Italian television, our National Raffa leaves but ... the memory of her will stay forever!

Woman out of the ordinary, yet with unsettling simplicity, Raffaella Carrà was a great (if not the most important) showgirl, singer, dancer, actress and Italian presenter. Iconic in her style of her, unique in the way you make her, after her disappearance, which took place on 5 July 2021 at the age of 78 because of a bad disease, she left an indelible voice in the hearts of Italians. She defined queen of Italian television, she sold more than 60 million disks winning 22 discs between platinum and gold. Our National Raffa goes away but ... the memory of her will stay forever!

The origins

Raffaella was born in Bologna on June 18, 1943, under the sign of the twins. The parents of her, Romagna father and mother of Sicilian origins, separate shortly after the marriage and the girl of her spends her childhood in her hometown of her, Bellaria. She will leave the village Emiliano just eight years to move to Rome and enroll in the National Academy of Dance founded by the Russian Ballerina Jia Ruskaja, and then to the experimental center of cinematography.

A talent in bands

Thanks to her, she studied in the world of cinema at the beginning of the 1950s as a child's actress and, graduated from the cinematographic center, she then takes part to several films. Although she is discarded forLa Ciociara She with Sophia Loren, judged too ripe for the role to hold her, she recited in Hollywood Mold movie with partners from the caliber of Frank Sinatra and in television scripts alongside Domenico Modugno. And it is right with television that you will acquire notoriety.


It is from the second half of the 1960s that the Italian public begins to know Raffaella who, abandoned his actress career, she focuses on television becoming presenter, soubrette and singer, taking care of both interest in Italy and abroad. You may seem normal to our days but, at the late 1970s, show the navel was a real scandal! Exuberant, charismatic, transgressive: all this revealed a winning strategy, consecrating Raffaella as the new Italian TV star.

Musical success

Raffaella doesn't stop amazing and thundering every fee until then imposed by the pads. Is the moment ofTuca Tuca: The showgirl comes on stage with the navel outside of her and with Enzo Paolo Turchi touch each other head, shoulders, hips and legs. The success was so resounding to climb all the national and shortly there, with the new tormenters of her asNoise,Fiesta and especiallyTo make love begins, Carry became a world star.

A myth

The 80s and 90s are the years of her consecration of her internationally, so much as she was elected female television character at European level. AI shows of you participate artists of Renato Zero, Joe Cocker and Stevie Wonder and Rai sees the number of its impressive levels grow. After a short break in Spain, she returns to Italy and leadsCarramba! What a surpriseOther format entered into the Italian collective imagination, of great local and international success.

A humble star

Unlike so many VIPs of our days, Raffaella didn't have a servitude ready to satisfy every need of her. She never had an official instagram profile, although the social network subsidies of fanpage to her dedicated. She a genuine woman, curious, sporty. She loved life and unharmed little: the only habit of her was smoking, although she won't go heavy. To bring back the words of her: "My career was a continuous surprise and this is the best, enjoy a small or a great thing."


At the registrance Raffaella Maria Roberta Pelloni, Raffaella Carrà owes her name of her to the screenwriter Dante Guardamagna who bought the name of her to that of the painter Raffaello Sanzio while her surname about another painter, Carlo Carrà, Master of Futurismo . The steps of his famousTuca Tuca They were also copied from Madonna himself. Not only that, she was also called gay icon because of her Lei songs, Leitmotiv of the demonstrations of the LGBT world. In the autumn 2020 the prestigious British newspaper The Guardian crowns Raffaella Carrà as a European Sex Symbol, defining her "cultural icon that taught to Europe's joys".

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