The 12 best girls / wives according to the zodiac sign (from the worst to the best)

People use the zodiac signs to orientate themselves on a lot of things about their lives - even on sentimental relationships. Here is the ranking of the signs from the most frustrating to the most intriguing for an appointment.

People use zodiac signs to orient themselves on a lot of things concerning their lives - even on sentimental relationships. Here is the lakesque of the signs from the most frustrating to the most intriguing for an appointment.

1. Scorpio

Don't make you pry from this "hurricane sign". In a relationship they are to want control - all of them. They are also extremely direct for which if you are a sensitive person probably is not the sign for you. This does not mean that they are bad, indeed, they are very realistic and have high standards. But if you betray you, don't expect forgiveness.

Scorpione | Le 12 migliori ragazze/mogli secondo il segno zodiacale (dal peggiore al migliore) | Her Beauty

2. Virgin

The Virgin Sign is known to be very critical with himself - and this lack of trust often makes them think of not being up to their partner. Jealousy that often accompanies this sign is an alarm bell that, together with their research of perfectionism, can bring them to self-destructive behavior.

Vergine | Le 12 migliori ragazze/mogli secondo il segno zodiacale (dal peggiore al migliore) | Her Beauty

3. Aries

You could have a great appointment with a ram girl and already at the second appointment you will find themselves with many plans and projects for the mind. Regardless of this they need to accelerate, it is their habit always put themselves in a position of advantage. Both aspects could worry if they do not even remove men. Beyond their external shield there is a delicate interior, like a candy, but if by chance you have to find you in a discussion with them you are sure that they can be sharp.

Ariete | Le 12 migliori ragazze/mogli secondo il segno zodiacale (dal peggiore al migliore) | Her Beauty

4. Bull

This sign does not joke, they are very independent and happy to live like this, with or without a companion on their side. Don't try to hurry or slow down the events because a Toro girl will do everything with her rhythms and according to her needs. If you are a free and fiery spirit, a bull girl could do for you.

Toro | Le 12 migliori ragazze/mogli secondo il segno zodiacale (dal peggiore al migliore) | Her Beauty

5. Cancer

This tender sign holds the heart in hand and this leads them to be often conditioned in relationships. It is an aspect that causes them in their lack of confidence so as to make the relationships difficult. You will have to be patient with this sign that seeks love as much as it fears. A cancer could close itself even when the relationship is going to swollen sails.

Cancro | Le 12 migliori ragazze/mogli secondo il segno zodiacale (dal peggiore al migliore) | Her Beauty

6. Leo

This sign looks so many romantic comedies that their expectations can be ... unrealistic, to say more. They fall in love with the girls who don't make any effort in a relationship and most of their frustrations derive from giving too much and not to receive. Although it is self-confident, the decision-making capacities of him are not the best.

Leo | Le 12 migliori ragazze/mogli secondo il segno zodiacale (dal peggiore al migliore) | Her Beauty

7. Aquarium

The sign at the center of the list is tendentially a bit particular, but they don't behave as if they were the worst girls you can have. They are intelligent, eccentric and lovers of intellectual minds. It is difficult to earn their loyalty but once you get with you in the best and in the worst situations. They often look to defects with a positive eye and could fill up with love, giving less consideration to them themselves. If you are patient with an aquarium you will collect the benefits.

Acquario | Le 12 migliori ragazze/mogli secondo il segno zodiacale (dal peggiore al migliore) | Her Beauty

8. Gemini

Ah, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of the zodiac signs. A twin woman has two very different sides: the first is a sociable and extroverted butterfly, the second is slightly darker and shy. They can try to hide the latter side affecting themselves mentally but their beliefs and their sense of loyalty do nothing but aggravate the situation. They love themselves with all themselves but they are often difficult to deal with.

Gemelli | Le 12 migliori ragazze/mogli secondo il segno zodiacale (dal peggiore al migliore) | Her Beauty

9. Libra

A balance will always evaluate the balance, avoiding conflicts even at unhealthy levels. You could end up in therapy with a scale, because they are used to hiding problems under the carpet rather than dealing with them. They can be extremely fascinating and sociable that they may mistaken them classify as a perfume from their partner. If you are a jealous type, go out with a scale is like getting on the roller coaster.

Bilancia | Le 12 migliori ragazze/mogli secondo il segno zodiacale (dal peggiore al migliore) | Her Beauty

10. Capricorn

Although this young lady may seem rather stubborn and dominant, she always puts her partner in the foreground, however, waiting for them to make them emerge when they are next to her. She always defends her loved her mate (even when she is not in the presence of her), but sometimes it can be difficult to understand and at sorrows reserved. If you can conquer the heart of her, considered rare.

Capricorno | Le 12 migliori ragazze/mogli secondo il segno zodiacale (dal peggiore al migliore) | Her Beauty

11. Sagittarius

This sign can be its worst enemy in terms of judgments - on themselves! He seconds the needs of him, who is sometimes not the right thing to do at times. However it is always passionate and never boring. He will love you deeply and will incessantly keep in mind those who love.

Sagittario | Le 12 migliori ragazze/mogli secondo il segno zodiacale (dal peggiore al migliore) | Her Beauty

12. Fish

This sign is shy, which makes it difficult to know sentimentally. You may be attracted to their mysterious aura and, once you have earned some of their trust, they will be your number one supporter. They know how to understand people to the center of their essence, going beyond what they say and do. They are sensitive, they can capture the energy of others and often avoid arguing.

Categories: Relationships
Tags: Zodiac signs
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