8 personal coaches do not touch

Take a look inside any gym and it is clear that each exercise falls into one of two categories: Endorphin Junkies who love all the looks of mile and clock that do not have Wait to throw in the towel.

If we had to put money on them, those of the old group benefit from the fitness, because it helped them lose weight, while those who watch the second-hand turn did not see the ladder Budges, even if they faced a coherent training schedule. If you know the clock watch crew, you change your diet is the easiest way to make sure you want to see the results you want. Despite the wide range of health benefits, many studies suggest that exercise alone is not enough to move the ladder.

And as surprising as possible, it's something that personal coaches - who are among the greatest supporters of physical fitness, admirably. "Weight loss is usually 80% plan and 20% exercise," said Celebrity Personal-Train and Diet Expert,Jay Cardiello, NSCA. "No matter how long I put at the gym, I know that I can not get out of bad diet. That's why I eat a mix of fresh produce, whole grain, meat and healthy fat each day And turn off the foods I know can have a negative effect on my physique. All your hard work in the gym will be canceled by eating bad foods. "

Here, Cardiello and four other personal trainers, reveal food and drinks that appear on their personal lists "Do not eat". If you want to make your time in the gym, especially consider cutting them from your diet.


Non-organic chicken


"We have been conditioned to look for inexpensive food instead of high quality food. Now, eating organic seems to be a luxury when it's really not. For moral reasons and health (it's without hormones of Growth), I always buy and eat free-reaching chicken. "- -Dan Roberts, Celebrity Coach and Creator ofX Methodology

(Start losing books today with Dan's exclusivityEat this, not that! Fast weight loss workout.)


Bare buns of nutrients

white bread

"The white bread has been whitened and stripped of its back and its germ, the elements of the grain containing beneficial nutrients. For this reason, the white bread is not very filled, has almost no nutritional value and N ' is converted to sugar once you eat it.. Like table sugar, then point insulin levels, which promotes fat storage. "- - -Jim White Rd, ACSM HFS, owner ofJim White Fitness and Nutrition Studios

"Pay attention to loaves that enumerate bleached flour on the list of ingredients. Whitening adds chemicals to bread and eliminates essential nutrients. In addition, do not let phrases like," made with whole grains ". This catchy sentence can do you think that your bread is a healthy choice, but it only means that bread is composed of a mixture of whole wheat flour and another less nutritive flour that will not benefit your health. " -Jay Cardiello, NSCA, Star Personal Trainer


Protein bars

protein bars

"Although the protein bars are packed with energy, they are not as good for you as you think. They are often high of calories, sugar, grease and carbohydrates and are filled with an infinite list of Chemicals. Frequently I will see people deal with protein bars like "snacks" when they should really be considered a meal replacement. The eating bars in this way can lead to weight gain. "- -Lori-Ann Marchese, celebrity of physical condition and owner ofBody Build LLC

You can not imagine abandoning bars together? Discover the best nutrition bars for weight loss.


Sweet drinks and sweets

orange juice

"I love my daily coffee cup, but I refuse to drink sweet coffee drinks likeStarbuck Frappuccinos. Even the smallest sizes package an average of 300 to 400 calories, which would take me about 40 minutes to jog on a treadmill. These sweet drinks are also full of artificial dyes and preservatives related to childhood deficiency disorders and allergic reactions. Instead of grabbing a frappuccino, consider a large height of 2% of plain slate-based organic shading, sprinkled with cinnamon on top to add a kick without calories! "-Dr. Sean Mr. Wells, DPT, PT, OCS, ATC / L, CSCS Owner and Instructor,Nutritional therapy.

"Consume fruit juice occasionally is not terrible for you, but drinking too often can have a negative impact on health and body composition. A cup of grape juice, for example, contains almost the same amount of sugar only two glazed cake donuts and a big JJ of McDonald has as much sugar as 25 gummies of lifesavers. The transformed juices also contain significant amounts of high fructose corn syrup, which can cause weight gain and a high cholesterol level. When it comes to, many juices are as bad as soda. "- -Jim White Rd, ACSM HFS

"Throwing a handful of candies may not seem like a big deal, but it's the equivalent of pure sugar mackerel. I would never do that and no one else." -Lori-Ann Marcheoise

If you have to indulge in your sweet tooth, make sure you choose one of theBest sweets for weight loss.


Turkey bacon

turkey bacon

"You may think you get a healthier slice when you opt for Turkey on the ordinary bacon, but it is certainly not the case. Although it contains 13 calories less calories per slice and slightly less saturated , it usually has more sodium, which can be harmful if you have high blood pressure. The pork also offers more healthy cardiac mononaturated proteins and acids than Turkey bacon, making it the best choice if You will indulge. "-Jay Cardiello, NSCA, Star Personal Trainer


Restaurant Orders "Double Protein"

triple cheeseburger

"Thanks to the paleo chronne, many people hope to lose weight and gain lean muscle mass now eat more meat. Although some additional proteins can be beneficial for those who are very active, the protein still needs to cause healthy sources to be beneficial. Unfortunately, the craze of meat has pushed some quick restoration places to offer burger cakes stacked on hot dogs and bacon, none of which are sources of protein quality. In fact, consuming a high nutrition in animal proteins has been associated with higher rates. Cancer. Avoid batteries of fast food meat and reinforce your protein intake with vegetable alternatives, such as beans, spinach and nuts. "-Dr. Sean M. Wells, DPT, PT, OCS, ATC / L

Coke Light

diet cola

"Although it's not good for you, I'll have an occasional coke. I like it. But I will never have a diet - it's full of chemicals and I do not like that so much. If you go. If you are going to indulge, you can also have something you really like. "-Dan Roberts

"Do not leave zero-calorie and dietetic drinks to deceive, these are worst drinks that can be drink. The artificial sweeteners of the dietary soda trigger the liberation of insulin, which sends your body in grease storage mode , which potentially leads to weight gain. The consumption of dietary drinks can also cause migraines and is associated with the risk of diabetes. I avoid them at all costs. "- -Lori-Ann Marcheoise



beer bottles

"To begin, the alcohol negatively affects the whole body: the brain, the liver, the well-being of heart and emotional well-being. And because it makes you slow and dehydrated, it can also make your cardio and your less efficient weight training and slowing down your progress. Although alcohol is a carbohydrate, it is not converted into glucose as other carbohydrates. Instead, it becomes a fatty acid, which is more likely to 'Be stored as grease. "-Jim White Rd, ACSM HFS

Categories: Healthy Eating
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