8 things that ruin your smile

It is almost 2020 and a Hollywood smile is not just for celebrities.

It is almost 2020 and a Hollywood smile is not just for celebrities. We all want these very pretty white straight and shiny teeth. But most of us choose to go in the wrong way. Instead of thinking about coloring and keeping your teeth in good health, we choose to spend a fortune on electric toothbrushes and whitening products, which can actually damage the enamel of your teeth, which is the opposite of what you want. So here are some things that ruin your smile and you should definitely stop doing.

1.Drinting soft drinks

Gaseous drinks are ishorrières for your teeth. If you drink them throughout the day, let yourself be leaving sugar if you are sitting on your teeth all day and basically for cavities in the future. It is not a secret that sugar causes gaseous drinks of teeth that look like 90% sugar. Above this, the gaseous drinks lowered the Phlowel in the mouth that can weaken the enamel and cause a discoloration on you.

2. Smoking

Smoking kills, we know we know. But it also causes deep spots on your teeth, it causes bad breath and amplifier leads to cancer. So, if you want a beautiful white Hollywood smile, we suggest you stop smoking if you always do it. Because no quantity of gum or mint that you impel after a smoke can not save you long-term spots, smoking can carore the years.

3. Cigs E-Cigs and Vapeins

Many people think that if they stop smoking from the old school and the Vape, they have rather deceived the system and can keep their breathing fresh and perdywhite while still getting their nicotine. It's not really true. So far, the effects terms of vapors have not yet been studied, but the few studies that have been made show that electronic cigarettes and vapors always kill the cells of your mouth and damage your gums, which will have a Very bad effect on your teeth.It is the best not to spoil you with nicotine at all.

4. Drink coffee and tea

So, most of us know that the coffee of anger can thader our teeth, but we thought the tea was quite safe. Wellruns Out Black Tea works exactly the same as coffee when it comes to the broker of our teeth. Most of us have small cracks in our enamel teeth and can coffee or tea are causing a spot. You also think of going to green tea as a source of caffeine from now?

5. Drinking wine

I always thought that the aglasses of wine with your dinner are not really bad for you, but turns out that Winecan stain your teeth. Especially if it's red wine. But also some sugars of wine vinaches, so it's not really great for your teeth either. So, the Newrule is, a glass of white wine is fine, but do not lower too much to the sea with Redwine, ladies.

6. Grinding

Do you know how sometimes you are angry like hell and put your teeth in the effort to hurry yourself to say something rude or let out a part of the thesis? Yes, it's bad for your teeth, it can cause micro-cracks, which time gets worse than. And the most embarrassing thing is that some of us, tighten, without realizing our sleep. So, while you can try to control your DJAW when you are awake, if you have sneaky suspicion, you creake your teeth in your sleep - get a night guard.

7. Eat sticky foods

If you like Taffy and other types of treats, we have bad news for you. All sugars are bad for their teeth and causing cavities, but sticky people are the worst because you are stuck between your teeth and you do not even notice. And these food particles remain between your teeth, the more damage they doto enamel.

8. Piercing with lip and tongue

Yes, he looks cool, we can not deny that, but the piercings of the lip and tongue are a bad news for your teeth. You will inevitably want to play with your piercing without even noticeing and it means you hit your teeth with metal all day every day. The results are a bit horrible, first, you start with micro-cracks and abrasions on your teeth, you get super sensitive teeth and in the worst case scenario, over time, you can actually break a tooth with your piercing.

Categories: Beauty
Tags: teeth
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