What happens to your body when you eat McDonald's

If you eat McDonald's on the regular, you will want to keep these advice in mind.

When hunger strikes and you do not feel wanting to cook, nothing makes life easier than driving to your local McDonald to grab and order their steering wheel. That you count yourself as a die-hard fanatic or simply a casual goer restaurant,McDonalds serves meals like no other. But even though this giant steering wheel like the easiest option, it's not always the healthiest, and it can lead to your body experiencing negative side effects when you eat McDonald.

These rich foods add and when you eat McDonald, your body undergoes very unique changes that we could not eat experiment anywhere else. To guide us through all the physiological changes that occur when you put this hamburger or milk struck in the mouth, we have gathered a team of nutrition experts to explain what exactly happens when you bite in thisBurger Or dig into a McFlurry.

Whether you take a supersized meal every day from McDonald or just drop in time, expect to see these effects when you eat McDonald regularly, and for healthier meal options, check out our list of100 recipes the easiest you can do.


Digestive disorders

mcdonalds egg mcmuffin and hash brown on tray
Moab Republic / Shutterstock

Anyone who likes to eat McDonald has probably noticed that after their meal, it is much harder to continue your day and everything feels so heavier. Do not take this feeling for granted your body faces a certainindigestion problems When he tries to treat all the foods you have just taken in.

"Fat is the slowest digested macronutrients," saysAllison Gregg, RDN, LDN. "Foods to empty the slow stomach content of high fat content. This means that they spend more time into your stomach that can lead to bloating, nausea and stomach ache. You may experience these symptoms in a 24-hour window after consuming a hamburger or milk-shake, especially if you consume several fatty fat items together. This can make you rethink the very famous question, "Do you want fries and drink with that? »

To find out which elements can do the most serious damage, consult10 worst menu items at McDonald.


Cardiac frequency peaks

Mcdonalds burger fries and soda
8th.creator / Shutterstock

Sugar A very visible immediate effects, and if you can not go to McDonald without entering a McFlurry or soda, expect dating points in your heart rate.

"Beverages such as milks, soda, tea, lemonade and coffee drinks allhigh sugar content"Said Gregg. The body transforms glucose sugar into minutes after consumption. This can increase blood pressure and cardiac frequency ".

"Milkshakes can be another problem, "saysD. Tran Phung, Physiologist for the certified exercise ACSM and founder of be active is easy. "The shakes you drink contain a crazy amount of sugar, which leads to a temporary rise in your heart rate. After a few hours, you will feel a crisis and the need to eat again. This is how stocked milks, especially the sugar transformed, affect your feelings about food ".

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mcdonalds cheeseburger

Science has shown us slowly that inflammation can lead to some of the biggest health problems of our time. Unfortunately, McDonald Greason's food easily lead to this immediate effect.

"The on the menu of McDonald Refined Nature and treated of the most common food creates a state ofinflammation In the body almost immediately ", saysTrista Best, MPH, Rd, LD balance a supplement. "This inflammation entailstired And the brain fog that can completely derail the day of the consumer. If you need to eat at McDonald on a regular basis, it is best to opt for grilled animal products like chicken food and integers that are not fried like salads and fruits. "

here is14 tips to reduce inflammation to lose weight faster, according to DT.P..



mcdonalds chicken sandwich with fries and drink

Unless the thanksgiving has rolled around, this feeling of if tired after eating can really get rid nowadays. The extra fat only hamburgers and packet fries can lead to this very effect.

The cell membrane replaces the cell membrane of each cell interacts with instead of a healthy membrane created from the specific amounts of the saturated or unsaturated healthy grease, and the canola oil is a very poor cell membrane ", saidDr. Stephen Newhart, Ph.D.. "The energy of canola oil inhibits ... to store inside the cell, instead, it is instantly lost. When cells can not store energy, they die at a fast pace and the person feelstired and slow. "


chemical dependence

mcdonalds tray

One of them is the most insidious effects after you eat McDonald in yourbrain. Consuming too muchsugarIn the form of ice cream or sodas, we can potentially deal with a sweet addiction.

"Sugar lifts serotonin and dopamine (happy hormones) in the brain and when consumed in quantities of mass, as with this type of food, the ability of your body to naturally produce it will fail," says Dr. Newhart . "It means you no longer produce a happy hormone on your own and need a substance to do it for you."

When you need to follow your fitness, book extra fries or milkshake and opt for healthier foods when you visit McDonald's to avoid the world of injuries that expect you potentially if you do the other. 7 McDonald health orders, according to a dietician .

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