The 15 zodiac couple together make Faville

Some information help us learn more about the person we love: his favorite dish, the films he loves more, the story of his childhood ... But do you know what works better than everything else? Be aware of its own zodiac compatibility. Is it really possible to recognize the soul mate from the date of birth? And be sure that this is the person we were waiting for?

Some information help us learn more about the person we love: his favorite dish, the films he loves more, the story of his childhood ... But do you know what works better than everything else? Be aware of its own zodiac compatibility. Is it really possible to recognize the soul mate from the date of birth? And be sure that this is the person we were waiting for?

1. Lion and scale
They are signs that complement each other and are both good communicators. They love to spend time in company, they love adventure and explore the world of love. Together they feel free to express themselves: the lion seeks attention and the scale loves pampering her mate.

2. Aries and aquarium
With these two it is impossible to get bored! A relationship of the genre will always be exciting: they need each other, but do not give up their freedom. They know how to be extremely creative and nourish a profound mutual admiration.

3. Aries and cancer
Aries is courageous, proud and independent, of course to have a great head on their shoulders and cancer is attracted to so much energy. He will see how a challenge pull out the best from a ram, but he will also learn something from him: being independent.

4. Fish and ram
Together they are a marvel. They are both romantic and capable of sharing a deep and lasting love that will pull out the best from both. Pisces are sensitive and deserve confidence, for this reason they know how to make their way into relationships. Aries is a leader, it takes initiative, it is protective and you will never miss a fish.

5. Taurus and cancer
They are very empathetic signs. Cancer is loyal, affectionate and will always be a valid emotional support for your companion. Home, family, stability are values ​​shared by both. They know to be spontaneous and prefer the intimacy of the house at parties with friends. They both love good food! The secret of their love is: a sofa, some dishes and a movie on Netflix!

6. Toro and Capricorn
They love each other and respect each other, they understand on the fly, are almost telepathic. The Toro admires the professional ethics of his partner, his strong ambitions and the joy of him. Capricorn loves the sensitivity of his partner. Lucky them, these signs are on the same wavelength in many occasions.

7. Sagittarius and Aries
The Sagittarius is the king of adventure and has an infinite spirit of freedom. He hates the dramas and follows the heart of him always and anyway. Also the Aries is extremely sociable and loves the adventure. Between one party and another they never get bored. To none of the two likes the clash: their relationship will be full of happiness that will not leave room for tensions.

8. Cancer and fish
Signs of water. They have a natural spiritual connection and are particularly sensitive to the needs of the partner. Both deeply sentimental and loving, careful not to hurt and take care of each other. Fish guarantees harmony in the couple. And as long as a report is based on mutual love, it will be a report destined to last a lot.

9. Lion and Sagittarius
They are optimistic and generous signs ... and love to party! Both a little impulsive, but who doesn't like a pinch of madness? The lion is certainly more approach, but the Sagittarius can find him finding the solutions he needs and that he can't see. The safety of the lion is something absolutely irresistible for the sagittarius who loves who respects his freedom.

10. Virgin and Capricorn
The Virgin is reflexive, quiet and, even though she doesn't seem, she is vulnerable. It is a difficult sign to understand, but it's like a secret code to decipher to open a door: once you have managed to enter the heart of her you'll never get out again. Capricorn is able to bring out the Virgin from her shell and you don't want to scare her from the nature of her cautious and mysterious her. Once the Virgin has lowered the guard, Capricorn will no longer be able to do without her.

11. Lion and twins
A lively duo that loves the adventure. If the lion points everything on loyalty and on being a strong companion, the twins is sympathetic, generous and does everything to make the other beloved feel. The stubborn personality of the lion is extremely attractive for fish.

12. Aquarium and twins
Signs of air which, despite the ups and bass, sing in unison. The twins loves genius that at the aquarium certainly does not lack. They love independence, they include the needs of the other and do not like to be stuck. A perfect couple!

13. Lion and Scorpio
There are all the assumptions for a magnificent relationship. Scorpio knows how to be provocative and jealous, with an acute language. But the lion feeds on these excesses and loves the smothered wishes of his companion. They are both very loyal and determined. So even if the understanding will be indispensable to make history work, they will inevitably make barrels, more than in a movie by Nicholas Sparks.

14. Gemini and Libra
These two signs of air have an intellectual agreement worthy of the most voracious sexual desire. They are energetic and sociable signs and their relationship will always be fresh and dynamic. They both love beauty (balance in art, twins in ideas). The scale, which appreciates harmony much more than anyone else, will never meet the propensity of twins to discussions, always maintaining an atmosphere of serenity.

15. Cancer and fish
Both signs of water and this is what makes them compatible. The fish wallow in human relations and when they fish cancer, which is intuitive and loving, create a bond that will be indestructible. In their worlds it commands the heart. For this they manage to understand so deeply.

Categories: Relationships
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