Better late than never! 8 truths about the love that we have just learned

Love has no tricks or it is possible that it is perfect, but there is always the possibility of learning so as not to make the mistakes of the past again.

Life is the best teacher and she herself makes us learn from our own mistakes. By committing the same mistake many times, it is usual that we will flagelize and that we repeat that we have not learned anything. This is how the feeling of guilt appears, the shorts of self-esteem and the desire to surrender. However, it is important to keep in mind that, beyond some new concept that we can put into practice, the essential thing is to try again over and over again until things go well.

This "chop" is an excellent reference to avoid committing the errors of always. It may help you enjoy love fully or perhaps to live it in a healthier way.

  1. Love is not gained

In many aspects of our life, we tend to believe that we must earn things, overcoming challenges, moving mountains and fighting for what we want. And in a certain way it is true, but this principle should not be applied to everything.

Love is a feeling that you do not have to force. It is natural and essential to let it flow without forcing anyone, without pretending. If you do not arise each other, it is the signal you need to let that person who simply is not made for you.

  1. We must not compare

Although it is true that we all enjoyed a shared humanity, each person has the past of it, and each relationship is a world. There are no rules or strategies applicable to all types of situations: just feelings and values ​​shared by two people. Social networks and the famous lie if they say they have achieved perfection in their relationship.

  1. Your thoughts are yours

Unless your partner is telepath, remember that the other person can not read your thoughts or guess what you want. We all have an individual perception. To till a common perspective, it is necessary that you share your impressions with your partner, clearly telling him what you want and what is not, explaining your feelings and always respecting his own.

  1. Change is not the key

If you want to change someone, start with you and you will see how complicated the process is. The same thing happens with other people. You may be trying to change someone while you stop spending the opportunity to be happy. While spending that time a person with whom you can not coincide, there are many others out there with which you would be comfortable being simply.

  1. Your happiness should not depend on a relationship

Love changes life, humor, mood, self-esteem ... In general, it changes everything. But that is love, not the person with whom you share your feelings, who are yours and will continue with you forever. Share them with everyone, but make sure you always have enough love for you.

  1. Better to be[Email Protected]

As we explained at the previous point, the love that is inside is pure and true love. While you want to you, take care and value, no other being can hurt you or despise you. It is not better to be alone: ​​there are people with whom you can increase your happiness and share your love. But if you look badly accompanied by ... you know what to do.

  1. Love No.itthat's all

By experiencing this beautiful feeling with a couple, we may end up suffering. Over time, some feelings stop dazzling and the logic appears, which makes us feel uncomfortable and realize that the person with whom we are is not that with which we want to share our day to day. Love is not enough, and the fights that end with passion can become time in emotional problems. It is much healthier to cultivate a stable feeling with a good companion who to create fellowship with a lover.

  1. Not all objectives have to be shared

Healthy relationships are not an impediment to establish individual goals and objectives. We are people free to choose the destination and the path we want to travel, although it is always nice to be accompanied by a person who at least support us. Who knows: Maybe your destinations match that way ...

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