12 emblematic roles played by different actresses
When you think of a famous role, you imagine a celebrity, right? Wrong!

When you think of a famous role, you imagine a celebrity, right? Wrong! The most emblematic roles has been addressed over the decades by many famous actors and actresses. Here are the best ladies that have been represented by more than one talented woman over the years.
Anna Karenina: Keira Knightley, Sophie Marceau, Vivian Leigh
Various actresses played this character, including Keira Knightley and Sophie Marceau. Both brought their game to the screen but described the role in a completely different way. Which do you prefer from these three?
Lisbeth SalanderThe Dragon Tattoo Girl: Rooney Mara, Noomi Rampace
Personally, Noomi did an incredible job at this position. Rooney has done a very good job of recreating it and brought its own brand of strangeness to Loner, but Noomi really became the character.

Cat woman: Michelle Pfeiffer, Anne Hathaway, Halle Berry
All women cat were bombs, but Halle Berry really stole the show with his cat movements. People often fight over who were their favorite feline girl. But the fact that an African-American woman has been launched while the cat's wife is a big deal and Berry has absolutely killed the role with his quick but sensual movements.
Emma: Gwyneth Paltrow, Kate Beckinsale, Anya Taylor Joy
This classic period has been adapted five times, but the most memorable would be the performance of Paltrow, Beckinsale and Taylor Joy. It seems that the role has been practically done for Anya and that this interpretation was even led by a woman.
Carrie: Sissy Spacek, Angela Betti, Chloé Grace Moretz
An emblematic role (and a halloween costume) the bloody and troubled teenager Carrie White has been described by three lucky actresses. She is an excess of supernatural capacities and the OG Spacek was and will always be the reigning queen we know as Carrie.
Sarah Connor of the ending: Linda Hamilton, Emilia Clarke, Lena Headey
The Franchise Terminator has seen all kinds of suites, benefits and restarts since its beginnings in 1984. Almost every new film or television film sees the key role of Sarah Connor being back, with actresses Linda Hamilton, Emilia Clarke and Lena Headey (yes, two parts of Torts d'Aluns).
Alica d'Alice in Wonderland: Anne-Marie Mallik, Mia Wasikowska
Can you believe that there were 16 alice representations down the rabbit hole? The two most important to withstand the test of time were Anne-Marie Mallik and Mia Wasikowska. Anna brings in mind a cinematographic classic, while Mia brought its own signature advantage and its intensity to the role, which used more realism than fantasy.
Jeanne D'Arc:Maria FalConetti, Jean Seberg, Ingrid Bergman, Milla Jovovich
This female gender folding warrior for women's rights has been described several times on the screen. You need a certain type of actress to remove Joan's demanding character. Jovovitch was extremely striking in his Joan, but Jean Seberg was always the classic favorite, especially with this short iconic Pixie.
Elizabeth Bennett of pride and prejudices: Elizabeth Garvie, Jennifer Ehle, Keira Knightley
Jane Austen has been a symbol of empowerment for a long time. There have been traditional and contemporary adaptations ofPride and prejudiceAnd everyone has their favorite Elizabeth Bennett. For us, it's Keira all the way.
Mystical x men: Morgan Lily, Rebecca Romijn, Jennifer Lawrence
Ah, the magnificent and exotic mystical of X-Men. This blue vixen wore a costume that makes the actress under virtually unrecognizable, but she was played by three blondes who really did justice. Some people say that the evolution of mystical makeup has taken the gap of the authenticity of the character. Less was no more, in this case.

Jane de Tarzan: Margot Robbie, Maureen O'Sullivan, Eve Brent
Just like every appropriate lady linked to Jane Austen inPride and prejudice, every wild woman related toTarzanin all its different interpretations. Margot Robbie was by far the most ferocious and the least "ladies in distress", although Maureen O'Sullivan be bae forever in our hearts.
Lois Lane de Superman: Noel Neill, Margot Kidder, Teri Hatcher, Erica Durance, Kate Bosworth, Amy Adams
Without a doubt, Lois Lane is one of the most famous cartoon characters we can think. Superman could have given an example for small boys, but Strong laws was right by his side as an inspiring mastery. Everyone from Margot Kidder to Kate Bosworth described the coveted character, but the character was really made for the Amy Adams red-haired bomb.

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