23 "disposable" articles of your house that you did not know that you could reuse

There are hidden gems hiding in your own trash!

It is often said that the basket of a man is the treasure of another man. However, and if your own basket could be this treasure? Believe it or not, many things you have started might actuallyserve a second goal. And that, in turn, could help you save moneyand the environment. In this case, we have collected simple means of reuse "disposable" objects.

Use dryer leaves as a fire starter.

Person Pulling Out a Dryer Sheet

Do not throw these dryer leaves once they served their initial goal. Rather,Karie Trumanthe silver economy blogger behindHappy money flavor, recommend using these leaves as fire entry. All you have to do is repel your dryer leaves and a pear in an old roll of toilet paper, fold the ends so nothing can escape, and voila!

Use rolls of toilet paper to organize cords and other bulk objects.

Toilet Paper Rolls Used to Organize Shoe Laces Reuse Disposable Items

If you are tired of unraveling yoursmartphone Load cord and television cables on the regular, there is a simple solution: Store them inside old toilet paper rolls, labeled with marker. This will prevent your cords will become rolled up and make it easier for your iPhone charger of your micro USB cable.

Use an empty fabric box to store plastic bags.

Man pulling a single tissue from black tissue box

Once your fabric box is completely empty, you can reuse it in a storage basket for your plastic bags. Instead of throwing these baggies into a closet, store them in the fabric container to facilitate access andbest organization.

Use old plugs as succulent holders.

A Pile of Old Corkscrews Reuse Disposable Items

Save money and clean the creation by reducing your mouthpieces in DIY succulent mini planters. Discover a complete step by step onThe succulent eclectic. You will not be able to withstand these adorable and catchyHome accents.

Use an old pool noodle as a wrist rest.

Foam Noodle

Do you have an old swimming pool noodle located around that, here are some better days? Instead of throwing it, simply cut a quarter of it horizontally andReuse in a wrist rest For your office. As you type, this padding will prevent your wrists from taming and becoming painful.

Use a bag of mesh vegetables like a washer.

Potatoes in a Mesh Bag Reuse Disposable Items

These mesh bags that some fruits and vegetables are packed are hardly reusable in bags, but that does not mean they are completely useless. If you fill up a single lattice bag with other mesh bags and attach it, you can turn your trash can into a pan and panoramic washer to keep by the sink. It's easy,respectful of nature, andeconomic!

Use the old log as packaging paper.

A Present Wrapped in Newspaper Reuse Disposable Items

Once you have finished going through the sports section ofThe New York TimesYou can reuse it in chic and practical packaging paper. Aboutvacations Above all, this reuse technique is a great way to save money and lighten your recycling load.

Turn old cd below the

An Old CD Being Used as a Coaster Reuse Disposable Items

The majority of us have enough CDs around what has not been played for a long time before the advent of Spotify. But just becauseCDs are all obsolete In terms of music, it does not mean that they still can not serve a goal. The next time you want to protect your coffee table from the condensation on a cup, you can use a long-term forgotten CD as a protective coaster. What is old is again again!

Use a paper bag like compost trash can.

Paper bag on counter

You do not need to invest in a fantasy compost tray to help save the environment. Simply target your compostable remains in a paper bag without wax and, when you are ready, you can use them to fertilize your garden or bring them to a municipal composting company.

Use coffee grounds to fertilize your garden.

destroying your garden

Why spend money on fertilizer when your coffee grounds will do the trick? According to gardening expertsOregon State UniversityThis disposable product is an excellent source of nitrogen, which facilitates the growth of the appropriate plant. Not to mention that coffee grounds also improve the soil structure and have been known to repel creatures such as slugs and snails.

Or use them to exfoliate your skin!

Coffee and Sugar Scrub Reuse Disposable Items

If you do not have a garden, you can also use your coffee to create an exfoliating scrub.Karissa ofKarissa vegan cuisine Recommend the combination of 1/2 cup of coffee, 1/4 cup brown sugar and 1/4 cup of coconut oil to create a scrub that eliminates dead cells from the skin, makingyour skin Watch "brighter and rejuvenated."

Clean your keypad with a post-it note.

Person Cleaning their Keyboard with a Post-It Note Reuse Disposable Items

Do not dispose of these scribbled post-sas with tasks that you have already completed; Use them toto cleanEmpty spaces on your keyboard. Even if they were stuck to something for a moment, your post-sound will always have enough adhesiveness left to catch some of the debris stuck between your keys.

Mark your place on transparent band with a paper clip.

Roll of Tape Marked with a Paper Clip Reuse Disposable Items

The problem with a clear band roller is that it is too easy to lose the end. Fortunately, everything you need is an old paper to keep your place for you. Whenever you have to register a package orwrap a giftYou will not have to worry about fighting where your tape roller begins.

Or use this paper clip to remove cherry pits.

Removing Cherry Pits with a Paperclip Reuse Disposable Items

Instead of spitting cherry pits while you stick on sweet fruits, use a paper to remove the medium before consumption. In this way, you can bruise on cherries without having to fear to smother.

Transform the old Popsicle sticks into DIY bread clip.

DIY Popsicle Tongs for Toast Reuse Disposable Items

Whenever you lift your freshly grilled bread out of the toaster, you may burn your fingers on the metal. Fortunately, you can push old popsicle sticks into DIY bread clamps to avoid burning. Simply attach the upper half of two sticks with a string and you will have your own fortune pinches.

Use an old straw to take the stems of strawberries.

Use a Straw to Remove a Strawberry Stem Reuse Disposable Items

Although strawberry rods are edible, they are difficult to appetizant. That's why you should keep your old straws and use them to unregister your strawberries. Unlike the cuts of the vertices, this method guarantees that the only thing you take off of your snack is this small green leaf.

Store the loose buttons in a former gum container.

Empty Gum Container Reuse Disposable Items

Most new clothes are accompanied by an additional button just in case an original falls and needs to be replaced. But where are you supposed to store all additional accessories? In an empty gum container, of course! This vessel is the ideal size for loose buttons, and it will not cost you anything more to rinse and reuse once you have chewed your last piece of gum.

Use tea bags to give your shoes a fresh scent.

Person Cleaning Their Shoes with Tea bags Reuse Disposable Items

There is a simple solution for smelly shoes: tea bag. All you have to do is plop some tea bags in each of your stinky shoes and let them sit for a day. As they rest, tea bags will absorb all bacteria and other particles causing sneakers or sandals.

Turn an old bottle of water into a bird feeder.

A Water Bottle Bird Feeder Reuse Disposable Items

If you have an old bottle of elongated water - and who does not envisage? - Consider turning it into a garden bird feeder. Just cut a hole in the center of the bottle, fill it with bird feeds and look like hen flocks gather to indulge in your offerings.

Or use an old bottle of water to store spaghetti.

Store Spaghetti in a Water Bottle

If birds are not your cup of tea, you can also use your old bottled water to store your spaghetti. It's an easy way to keep your pantry more organized and always know which food staples you do (and you do not do it).

Republish eggs in planters.

Egg Shell Planters Repurpose Disposable Items

Even eggs can be represented in something beautiful and useful. Take these planters, for example. All you have to do is placing egg halves in an egg carton and fill them with soils and bootplants and you will have a miniature DIY garden that you can keep on your window.

Transform an old mason jar into a toothbrush holder.

Mason Jar Toothbrush Holder Transform Disposable Items

The next time you buy something packaged in a mason pot, do not throw it down. Instead, enter handicraft supplies and turn your pot into a fun DIY toothbrush holder. It's an excellent project ofchild A rainy day or in the middle of winter!

Use empty prings to keep your ponytail holders in the same place.

Potato chip cans

Everyone with long hair knows that hair ties disappear almost as often asSocks in the dryer to do. However, there is an easy way to make sure you never lose sight of your ponytail holders. Instead of storing them in a random drawer, simply shelter them in or around empty prings can! And for more lifestyle hacks that will facilitate things, do not miss these17 Genius email hacks that will improve your life.

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Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: cleaning / Home
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