7 things that the moon affects your life

Humanity has been contemplating the moon as long as we can remember. He gave the light in the pure darkness of the night and created special cycles who influenced people socially and psychologically. Today we can not follow these special cycles of the moon, but that does not mean that he has lost his power to influence our mood and behavior.

Humanity has been contemplating the moon as long as we can remember. He gave the light in the pure darkness of the night and created special cycles who influenced people socially and psychologically. Today we can not follow these special cycles of the moon, but that does not mean that he has lost his power to influence our mood and behavior. Here are 7 things the moon affects in your life.

female powers

In many cultures, the moon is perceived as feminine energy that is deeply linked to life cycles and death. His mysterious, natural powers influence our psyche in many ways, the connection to our unconscious and all that is hidden inside deep. The moon is always associated with an inner trip and intuition, as well as our emotional body. These are all the feminine qualities considered, that's why women can be more inclined to feel the cycles of the moon and the changes they bring.

emotional tides

It is not a secret that the moon creates tides on the earth. We would simply not have that the majestic movement of water without satellite from our planet. What does this mean for our emotions, well? Our bodies consist mainly of water, so it should not be a surprise that we feel these tidal tractions in one way or another. The new moons and full moons are particularly powerful that they mark the ends and debut of the moon cycle, as well as the lowest and highest tides. If we talk about emotions, it would mean high and low as well as smaller emotional changes during the cycle.

Full moon

Of course, we must not blame the moon for emotional peaks, but it helps bring out the supressed emotions and do the ones you have even more powerful. Full moon illuminates the darkness of the night, as well as the dark parts of our psyche. This means that some negatives or improved positive emotions, which can lead to a bit of a chaotic emotional state. Yet this is an excellent opportunity to revisit everything that is hidden for us most of the time and live through these emotions. The full moon can cause anxiety and tension in the body, so it is good to take extra precautions for yourself during this period.

New Moon

Brand a new moon the beginning of a new cycle, so it is a peaceful and calm reflection time. You may want to stay away from parties and long conversations, the choice to spend this time with yourself, explore interior landscapes in the calm of your home or in nature, taking advantage of nature. Men and women have this female aspect that is influenced by the moon, so it is not something that the experience of women. Following these cycles of the moon is a great way to unclog the stress of everyday life and celebrate the beauty of life itself.

Reconnect with your body

As the moon cycle influence your mood and, consequently, the behavior, it is a good way to divert attention to the things your body really needs. Most of the time, we use our minds to decide what is best for us, but our bodies have their own wisdom about what is most important for the moment. Maybe your body needs lighter meals, more or less hours of sleep, or maybe you have lived under a constant stress for so long that you have simply forgotten what one feels to be calm and relaxed. This is where the cycles of the moon are very practical because they do things that need fixation, improvement or reboot. It's a good way to analyze your whole lifestyle and see if it really makes you, your mind and your body happy.

female cycle

It is no coincidence that the menstrual cycle of women is the same as that of the moon - about 28 days, give or take. It is believed that the menstrual cycle of a healthy woman who live under constant stress corresponds to the cycle of the moon in an effortless way. Our cycles have been designed to start the new moon, but because of the rhythms of the city of end-of-night, irregular sleep habits and bad eating habits, we lose the connection with natural rhythms, and our body cycles change . In some Amerindian cultures, it is considered that during his menstrual cycle of a woman is more sensitive (who is closely linked to the moon), so they even have a special lodge moon where the ladies can live during their special days . They do not work and spend this time with themselves, reflecting, relaxing, re-connection with the mother earth, and simply rest.

The things you can do

New moon and the growing moon in general gives you more energy. You may notice that during the moon hair removal you are more likely to launch new projects, try new things, plan trips, and go to adventure. It is also a good time for the planning you plant the seeds of ideas that will later make in the events of your life. During the days of the full moon you reap what you have sowed, which means that this time can be both exciting and anxious that we are not always satisfied with the results of what we thought or done. It is important to stay true to yourself and be grateful for the experience you have had, good or bad. Then you can pass without any regret.

Categories: Lifestyle
Tags: health / moon
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