8 fun facts you did not know about Karen Gillan

Who is Karen Gillan?

Who is Karen Gillan? Sheshould be known as the beautiful Great Queen of Scotland ginger than Takingover Hollywood, but you have probably discovered about his first doctor who. Sheplayed Amy Pond, the doctor's companion when Matt Smith was the doctor. It Hassince has reached even higher levels of glory by playing in TheGalaxy's guard nebula and later Avengers. But even if it's actually a big movie StarNow we bet there is a lot of things you do not know yet Karen. So We'rehere today to tell you some interesting facts about Karen Gillan.

1.She SAW The Loch Ness monster

If you ever wondereeredwhere is Karen Gillan de - She is from Inverness, Scotland. It is a city thescottish highlands, not far from the Loch Ness, Inverness and actually means Mouthof the river in Gaelic. This is Karen was born and grew up. She joked Inmany interviews that she saw the Lochness or Nessy monster and it's not ABIG a lot to her. When Karen was 16, she moved to Edinburgh to study by Telford College. Later, at age 18, she moved to London to study Atthe Italia Conti Academy from Arts Theater Arts School.

She Saw The Loch Ness Monster | 8 Fun Facts You Didn’t Know About Karen Gillan | Her Beauty

2.She I wanted to get on the television

Karen made some modeling and there, but the game was always his main interest. His father Evensaid that when she was a little child, she serves on the TV point and ask "how to enter it". Karen jokes she probably wanted to crawl in Thetelevision, but since she understood it is not possible, she then decided Totke the traditional way and becoming an actress.

 She Wanted To Climb Into The TV| 8 Fun Facts You Didn’t Know About Karen Gillan | Her Beauty

3.She was the Benjamín companion

Do you know how Oldkaren Gillan is? She is only 31. But she was only 21 when she started Outas companion by Doctor Who. Matt Smith was only 26 at the time and Togetherthey were the youngest doctor who. Their age set was still Youngerthan Jon Pertwee was when he played the doctor in the 70s.

She Was The Youngest Companion | 8 Fun Facts You Didn’t Know About Karen Gillan | Her Beauty

4.She is too big for daleks

Do you know how Tallkaren Gillan is? It is 180 cm which is big enough and no wonder it used for doa little modeling at the beginning of its career. But what is more interestingabout its size is that it is a bigger of many of the previous companions Sothey've had to redo Daleks in Doctor Who for her, they do not look stupid smalloz.

She’s Too Tall For Daleks | 8 Fun Facts You Didn’t Know About Karen Gillan | Her Beauty

5.She can not swim

Speaking ofaccommoding needs of Karen in Doctor Who. Once they have been forced to rewrite Removeand a scene of the Tardy flood in the show because Karen Can'tswim. One wonders if it has been embarrassed or relieved about it.

She Can’t Swim | 8 Fun Facts You Didn’t Know About Karen Gillan | Her Beauty

6.SHE co-stars before dated

Karen Gillan is nestranging to have sparks at work. It is dated some co-stars includingMatt Smith and Andrew Brooke. She was also in a from2006 long-term relationship for 2012 with photographer Patrick Green. But she believes that it is difficult tomaintin a relationship because of the loaded schedule and the nature of Herwork if it remains alone at the time.

She Dated Co-Stars Before | 8 Fun Facts You Didn’t Know About Karen Gillan | Her Beauty

Hardcore whovian 7.her mom

The mother of Karen Gillan Isa Good Who, she has even foaming bath Dalek. She grew up watching the theoriginal DW series and we can not imagine how excited she was when she foundout her daughter was going to be on the show. It probably weep with joy every day. Karen mentioned that it was really difficult to keep Hermom's secret, and also later, not telling him spoilers or turning on the situation.

 Her Mom’s A Hardcore Whovian | 8 Fun Facts You Didn’t Know About Karen Gillan | Her Beauty

8.SHE Once sent under Tumbleweed

Karen was the first time she went to America, and at first he was a little disappointed. You see the main reference for America was the friendly TV show, with their young and large apartments in New York, who have proved to be wrong. And his other point of reference was Westerns, she should see cowboys on the street, which did not happen too. She really enjoyed the deposit in the Utah desert, he looked like America she imagined. And one day on the plateau, she just saw a Tumbleweed pass in front of her, she was so excited she had hunted, caught and then proceeded to the post office and ship it to Scotland. His parents really excited and decided "we know what to do with this" and he published in the streets of Scotland. So, if you ever see Tumbleweeds in Scotland - it's probably because of Karen.

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