What happens to your body when eating avocado every day

Apart from the stunning avocado taste, for the amazing benefits for your mental health, your skin, and heart.

Avocado is a healthy food that is enjoyed by anyone. I mean, who will refuse to be filled from Jokamoli, or Benedict Eggs with Avocado?

Remote the amazing bait, these small fruit can be miracles (yes, avocado fruit), and have amazing benefits for your mental health, your skin, your heart. Here are some proposed ways to eat avocado to help strengthen mental and mental health, while giving you a fashionable skin.

  1. Cholesterol improvement

Some complain of some fat in avocado while following certain food systems, but this type of fat is important for the body. With 10 grams of healthy fats at every half avocado fruit, you get a healthy dose of unilateral fat, which increases the proportion of good HDL cholesterol and reduce the bad type.

  1. Best defense for immune system

Eat avocado every day to protect yourself from infection, diseases, viruses. It is rich in vitamin B, vitamin E, vitamin C, and protect against respiratory diseases. It is also a natural and antioxidant substitute for cancer and tricks the eye lens.

  1. Farewell

If you find yourself fluctuate at night and you can not sleep easily, there are about 20 grams of magnesium in half the avocado fruit and can enter into sleep mode. Due to it is an anti-stress metal. Eat your avocado check before bedtime? Is a wonderful thing for us.

  1. Comfortable for stomach

The avocado fruit contains 10 grams of fiber. If you have problems in constipation or other digestive problems, avocado integrates into a diet that leads to a healthy stomach. In addition, the fiber remains in your stomach which helps to feel full of up to three hours longer.

  1. Hair growth and skin boom

The use of avocado as the face makers help keep the liquor of the eyes, brilliant skin. This good fat is what we are talking about, next to vitamins that melt fat, it is great for skin whether using it in an injectively or when taking it.

  1. Improve heart health

Eating avocado daily limits the chances of heart disease, thanks to higher potassium and low sodium rates. Reducing blood pressure, which limits the chances of a stroke or a heart attack.

  1. Improve the health of the pregnant woman

Thanks to fiber and antioxidants and fat in avocado, this helps to improve the production of parent milk, mother health, and women's dedication until reproduction.

  1. Reduce aging operations

Antioxidants are a solution in stopping or inhibiting the aging process.One of the most important avocado's functions are Zanethaville, which stops the destruction of DNA, and the aging process is broken as well as preventing diseases such as Barkson and Zaimer's disease.

  1. Prevent depression

Avocado can improve your mental health and even reduce depression. This is because high quality food fat has proved effective in improving brain functions. Anti-inflammatory nature of the fats in avocado, along with high levels of folic acid, make this fruit a strong competitor in combating depression.

  1. More excitement in bedrooms

Do you know that avocado is a strong sexual tonic? Which improves the intimate relationship due to these magical saturated fats it needs to manufacture testosterone.

  1. Reduce cancer opportunities

Due to plant chemicals in avocado, cancer cells are killed more frequently than if you do not eat. Carrotins are associated with low cancer opportunity, especially for women with the most intense breast tissue. There are a lot of caroutines in our vegetable friends, so remember: avocado a day you sing about your doctor!

  1. Increase food absorption

Eat all food and vitamins are wonderful, but you may not absorb your body. So avocado helps absorb food with the best possible image.

  1. The most powerful bones

Our parents always tell us to drink milk to get stronger bones, but they should tell us to take jack, so because of high rates of folic acid, vitamin K, copper to ensure the best and healthy building for bones.

  1. Lose weight

Avocado can help you avoid obesity because they contain all healthy fats and basic nutrients. Eating half of avocado tablets keeps you full, helping you eat moderately instead of leaving your stomach hungry.

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