14 reasons your 30s are better than your 20

A lot of time, people in their 20 years stress on "aging" in their thirties. Well little, the 30s come with less stress, less careful what people think, and more than one handle on all this adult.

A lot of time, people in their 20 years stress on "aging" in their thirties. Well little, the 30s come with less stress, less careful what people think, and more than one handle on all this adult.

1. You start kissing and embodying your real beauty. Your sexual now comes from wisdom and experience rather than an innocence with weird eyes. Embrace these smiling lines and stray gray hair because they are what makes you so beautiful!

2. You have a feeling of self stronger and do not take the small dramatic of anyone - men or friends. You are not afraid to be different or be alone, and you live by the mentality of you.

3. You are more objective oriented and not only to be lean or have a boyfriend. You have a change of thought that reveals your most ambitious self, the least terrified, and it's amazing.

4. Your idea of ​​a good time went out at the club at midnight to throw sweeping pants and be in bed by new. Priorities have been displaced and Friday night has just received a lot cheaper.

5. You choose better romantic partners and are in healthier relationships. In your 20 year old, you have games and boys. In your 30s, you move to maturity, men and the possibility of a future. You can look in front of a supermodel and see the husband's potential.

6. You spend less imprudence, then at this point, you have some money to spend. Well, a little more than over the last decade. Here, your paycheck does not automatically go to debt, but allows you to offer you from time to time.

7. You do not drink to drag you, you drink to enjoy the taste of a glass of wine and do not wake up with a monumental hangover the next day.

8. You do not have to live with a roommate. And you might even be able to allow you a house cleaner from time to time!

9. You started cooking and a lot of meals are * Halls * in good health! Finished the days of pizza control, Taco Bell and other raw thoughts that your mother would be angry. Now a fun Sunday activity is the preparation of meals for the week or a DIY night at home with friends.

10. You value your health more than being cheap. In your 30s, you start taking care more, take care of your skin and eat healthier choices because you realize that you realize what you can escape, and more to feel good while you done.

11. You find that you are less than a vain human being than you were in your 20 years. We all had different values ​​at the time and many of them were quite shallow. You could not imagine the day you go to the store in the PJS Cream and Pimple when the hot shop was there, but we are here.

12. You started to feel the wonderful emotion that is nostalgia. It looked like your past me that makes you laugh and that you realize how far you have come from.

13. Your group of friends has become smaller, but much more concrete. They are true, faithful and know your personality inside and outside rather than the rotation of your party and your favorite cocktail.

14. You actually learned from your mistakes over the last decade, and now you know better. This translates into better nights, bad days faster and less acne.

Categories: Lifestyle
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