Massive breathtaking lizards are increasing in the United States in the United States

They were spotted in the United States across the Southeast.

Invasive species Lays a serious threat to our native ecosystems, generally because they do not have natural predators and are therefore able to surpass native plants and animals. But some invasive species can also have an impact on humans and public security, including the Argentinian Tegu in black and white, which was spotted in the southeast part of the United States. South American lizards can wear and spread Salmonella - and recent reports suggest that they can multiply.

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The wildlife agencies of South Carolina ask people to report the observations of this variety of Tegu, which can reach up to four feet long and weigh around 10 pounds. This month, representatives of the national resource department of South Carolina (SCDNR) told Fox Carolina only since their first Tegus confirmed In the state, they received 100 reports on Tegu's situations. Among these reports, the agency confirmed 24 observations of Tegus in black and white and two observations of invasive red tegus .

According to the SCDNR website, the first observation Dates in August 2020. A few months earlier, the agency had informed the public that the Tegu - a popular pet - was also spotted in nature in Georgia and Florida, "probably following the Liberation or the escape".

"The introduction of any non -native species can have serious negative impacts on native fauna. Large Andrew said in the press release in 2020. "The tegus matures and reproduces quickly, although most concern can be their preference for eggs and potential impacts on our native birds that nest the soil like turkey and quail, as well as D 'Other species such as the Gopher turtle endured by the State. "

In addition to threatening endangered species, there is also concern for public health. Like the other reptiles, research shows that Tegus transports Salmonella , by the Georgia DNR. As such, it is feared that he can "spread exotic parasites to native fauna and cause bacterial contamination of cultures".

According to a 2017 study of Salmonella In Tegu lizards, human infection by Salmonella Generally comes from the consumption of animal products, but it can also occur when you keep reptiles like pets or via a soil or contaminated water. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

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In May 2021, the SCDNR prohibited The Argentinian Tégus in black and white not native to be brought to South Carolina or has happened again. Those who choose to own them as pets must record reptiles with SCDNR. Florida and Alabama promulgated similar prohibitions, according to the press release SCDNR.

The agency added that the regulations were intended to curb "the proliferation of Tegus before being able to establish and make real damage in our state". However, they are always present in nature - and aggravate things, research suggests that Tegus can hibernate when it is cold, increasing the chances of survival and allowing them to spread to other parts of the south -eastern states -Unis, according to the DNR of Georgia.

Wildlife agencies Georgia ,, Caroline from the south ,, Florida And other states ask you that you report the observations of these online tegus. To officially confirm an observation, a photo of the lizard is generally required.

You can recognize the invasive lizard by its "coloring in black and marbled white" which appears in a band pattern, according to the FWC. Newborns have a similar pattern, but you can distinguish them by their bright green heads.

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Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: animals / News / / Safety
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