Top 10 most powerful women in history
It is not a shock that during history, women do not treat the easiest hand. Thanks to the crowds of men handed their privileges, they had to push and flow up, working twice as hard without any of the credits. Here are the most impressive and the most powerful women we are looking at to our hats.

It is not a shock that during history, women do not treat the easiest hand. Thanks to the crowds of men handed their privileges, they had to push and flow up, working twice as hard without any of the credits. Here are the most impressive and the most powerful women we are looking at to our hats.
1. Marie Curie
One of the first famous scientific women, this Polish and French genius won the Nobel Prize of two distinct categories - the first person to do it and the first woman, to start! The first was for the search for radioactivity while the second was for chemistry. Later, she helped create the first X-ray technology.
2. Queen Victoria
This Queen of the United Kingdom used on an empire stretching six countries for more than half a century (63 years old to be accurate) and the 2nd reign the longest of all time. The Victorian era has been appointed after this queen, which eliminated the British colonies of slavery and has accomplished many other positive reforms.
3. Princess Diana
The princess of Wales met his disappearance in 1997, but she will never be forgotten thanks to her kindness and the work of humanitarian charity. His marriage in Prince Charles might have had his ups and downs, but his generous and compassionate attitudes on impoverishment and deactivities were notable.
4. Joan of Arc
This icon of the 1400s was considered a saint to the Roman Catholics and a French heroin for the rest of the world. With its supposed disposals, Joan brought together French troops to conquer English and demonstrated the without fear and the mission of liberation, until his death at the stake.
5. Cleopatra
This leader of the OG was the Las Pharaoh of Egypt Ptolemaic, known for his extreme intelligence and his rapid work in improving his country's economy. She also had a connection with Julius Caesar. A powerful woman needs a powerful man, right? #NoScrubs
6. Eleanor Roosevelt
She could have been the first lady when fd. Roosevelt was in the office, but made a name for herself who made her as much a model. It has made progress on human rights as the United Nations Commission on Human Rights and has contributed to the 1948 Declaration of Human Rights.
At this untreated eye, it's just another Pakistani schoolgirl. But anyone who has recognized Malala of his critical and courageous situation knows that she is one of the great minds of our time. After surviving the Taliban head, she continues to campaign for women's education law and passionately defending girls' rights.
8. Rosa Parks
This American civilian rights activist won the game for his refusal to abandon a bus seat in Montgomery, Alabama, leading to explosive decisions of the legislation. The parks were so respected for his humility and his sense of pacifism during his campaign.
Borie was Genghis Khan's wife during her moment of decision and the Empress of the Earth's Empire in history. She was not just her romantic partner - she was her most confidence counselor and has often reigned for long periods in Mongol while he was at war.
10. Margaret Thatcher
Margaret Thatcher served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1979 to 1990 and was the first woman of all time. Known as the "iron lady" to the Soviets due to his head. Thatcher has always promoted a free market economy and was willing to confront the power dynamics of work unions.