These 7 foods are most likely to cause food poisoning, says CDC
Be careful when you eat or prepare them.

Food brings people together. Whether it's a dinner, a potluck or a backyard barbecue, there is something to come together around a meal that feels festive and fun. Which is not so fun, however, is Wake up in the middle of the night With cramps and chills because you ate something that didn't agree with you. We have probably all been there, but if we are cautious, we don't have to let it happen again. According to the centers for disease control and prevention (CDC), seven foods in particular are the Culprits most likely . They say that these present the most imminent health risks for those who eat them. Read the rest to discover which popular articles are the most likely to give you food poisoning, according to the CDC.
Read this then: If your food has a taste of this, have your kidneys checked .
1 Raw and insufficient seafood

Your preference for a raw hamburger or a steak could endanger you, according to the CDC. Raw meat products can house Yersinia bacteria, which cause approximately 117,000 infections and 35 deaths in the United States each year; E. coli , which leads to potentially fatal hemolytic uremic syndrome in up to 10% of infections; And Salmonella , which is associated with 1.35 million infections in the United States and 420 American deaths per year .
The CDC also reports that most gross poultry products are contaminated by Campylobacter , a type of bacteria associated with approximately 1.5 million diseases in the United States every year. They can also be contaminated by Clostridium perfringens , a type of bacteria that causes a disease About 1 million American residents every year; And Salmonella , as well as other types of bacteria.
"If you eat chicken and notice that the interior is always pinkish in color, I would throw it," dietitian Jesse Feder , CPT, RD, tells Better life . "If the chicken is not properly cooked through, you risk Salmonella ,, Campylobacter , and or Clostridium perfringens exposure."
For protect yourself , the CDC recommends cooking chopped beef, pork, veal and lamb at 160 degrees Fahrenheit; Cooking kitchen and fresh poultry at 165 degrees Fahrenheit; Cooking beef, calf and fresh lamb at 145 degrees Fahrenheit; Cooking fresh pork at 160 degrees Fahrenheit; And heat the pre -cited pork at 140 degrees Fahrenheit.
2 Fruits and vegetables

While fresh fruits and vegetables are an essential part of a healthy diet, they are also a major source of food poisoning from E. coli ,, Listeria , And Salmonella .
To protect you, the CDC recommends washing or rub the fruits and vegetables With running water and peel them only once they have been washed to avoid contaminating their flesh with bacteria from their peels. Feder agrees, saying that it recommends "thoroughly [wash] your fruits and vegetables after buying them ... The best way to prevent you from ingesting these bacteria is to rinse completely and wash your products that you buy. ""
The CDC also notes that fruits and vegetables should be refrigerated at 40 degrees Fahrenheit or colder within two hours of the preparation, or an hour if it is more than 90 degrees outside.
3 Raw dairy products

Although some people say that raw dairy products Offer certain health benefits, say the opposite of experts.
"None of the claims made by the defenders of raw milk that we have examined ... can resist the scientific examination “The US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) explains.
In fact, the CDC notes that raw milk and products made from raw milk are frequently contaminated by Campylobacter ,, Cryptosporidium ,, E. coli ,, Listeria , And Salmonella , which can all cause serious illness. To play safely, the CDC warns against consumption or consumption of raw dairy products and sticks to those made with pasteurized milk instead.
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4 Eggs

Do you like a sunny egg? It could endanger your health. Eggs can be contaminated by Salmonella , which can cause food poisoning and can cause more serious or even death, says CDC.
To protect you, the agency recommends keeping the refrigerated eggs at 40 degrees fahrenheit or less, using pasteurized eggs in recipes that require raw or slightly cooked eggs, egg dishes at cooking at a temperature of 160 degrees fahrenheit or more, and refrigerant eggs or foods that contain eggs within two hours of their preparation or an hour per day at 90 degrees or more. The CDC notes that the purchase of exclusively pasteurized eggs can also help reduce your risk of illness.
5 Seafood and raw crustaceans

Crusted and crustacean seafood are most often associated with Salmonella And Vibrio vulnificus , the latter is the most frequent in oysters and is associated with 80,000 infections and 100 deaths in the United States every year. Vibrio vulnificus Wound infections (When an injury comes into contact with raw or under-seven seafood, its juices or drops) drive around 20% of infected people, often a few days after the first disease.
Sea fruits should be cooked at 145 degrees Fahrenheit and must be reheated to 160 degrees Fahrenheit, says the CDC.
6 Cabbage

Do you like to put raw germs on your salad? You may want to think twice the next time you have your belly to the salad bar.
"The hot and humid conditions necessary to cultivate germs are also ideal for germs to develop. Eating raw or slightly cooked germs, such as luzerne, beans or any other germ, can cause food intoxication from Salmonella ,, E. coli , Or Listeria , "The CDC says. They say the germs are the best - and the safest - went after cooking." The germs to be baked kill harmful germs and reduce the chances of food poisoning. ""
7 Raw flour

You probably already know that you should not eat raw cookie dough due to the risk of food poisoning due to raw eggs, but did you know that you shouldn't eat raw flour either? "Flour is generally a gross agricultural product that has not been treated to kill germs," writes the CDC. "Harmful germs can contaminate the grain while it is still on the ground or other stages when the flour is produced. The bacteria are killed when flour -based foods are cooked."
The next time you cook, stay safe and wait until you enjoy the finished product.

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