10 signs that your partner does not respect you
It's hard to control your feelings if you are in love with someone. But respect yourself and be respected by your partner are two necessary things in all relations. Here are some red flags that you might not have the respect you deserve.

It's hard to control your feelings if you are in love with someone. But respect yourself and be respected by your partner are two necessary things in all relations. Here are some red flags that you might not have the respect you deserve.
1. They make fun of you when you entrust them. It can feel quite injuring and means they do not take you your problems seriously. In addition, they are bad listeners who are not a high quality in a romantic partner.
2. They told your secrets occasionally. Secrets involve trust and they should protect themselves safely. Otherwise, they do not have respect and it is not correct.
3. On a similar note, they broke your confidence before or you already lied before. And maybe they do it even with ease. It shows that you hurt does not hurt them.
4. They talk about other girls in front of you or flirt with them. Maybe he had prolonged visual contact with your waitress in this restaurant, or it's a little too friendly with his friends. It is a lack of serious respect that must be called.
5. They do not treat yourself as a priority and will allow you regularly. Disappointment should not be a normal feeling in a relationship. People must defend their commitments. Half of a relationship is just showing, and if they can not do that, it's not a good sign.
6. He tells you how to act and what to wear. This also implies a lack of respect.
7. He does not know or listen, and maybe even your bulldoze you when you say no. It's never ok. You have the right to say no, and only someone who does not respect you otherwise.
8. It does not let you have limits but feel free to prepare his. He is the authority on what you do with friends, family and finance. It's not just a lack of respect - it's a flagrant emotional abuse.
9. It gives you the silent treatment instead of resolving a disagreement with a thoughtful conversation or initiate a truce.
10. It keeps highlighting your defects and imperfections instead of kissing them and telling you what he likes about you. Remember that you never need to change for anyone, even through rose-tinted love glasses.

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