This "harmless" spider could send you to the hospital, a new study says

The bite of this spider could result in reactions similar to those of a spider bite of black widow.

Nobody likesmeet a spider at home. But the truth is that the spiders get a bad rap. As the Mayo clinic explains, mostSpider bites are harmless-In the arthropods are often curbs for other bugs or problems. "Many bites attributed to spiders are inflicted by other insects. The skin infections have also been erroneous for spider bites," explains the experts from the Mayo Clinic.

They claim that "only a few types of spiders have fangs long enough to penetrate the human skin and venom strong enough to hurt humans", citing two American species in particular: the spider of the black widow and the spider Brown recluse. But now you can add another spider to this list. A recent study revealed that a spider who was previously considered relatively inoffravure could actually send you to the hospital with his bite. To see which spider you have to pay attention, read it.

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A new study revealed that a noble fake spider bite of the widow can lead to hospitalization.

Noble false widow spider

The noble fake spider of widow, which resembles the black widow, has been neglected for decades. The Natural History Museum of the U.K. described the spider as having a "small and relatively relatively relatively relativelyinoffensive bite. "Now, a 27 May study of the National University of Ireland Galway revealed that the noble false widow really has actuallyNotable implications for public health.

The study revealed that the noble false widow can leave a bite that requires hospitalization, some victims, even living reactions similar to those of a plug of black widow. In a statement, the main author of the studyJohn Dunbar, PhD, said that the research "confirms without any doubt thatnoble misjugs can cause serious entertainment (The process by which Venom is injected). "

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The noble false widow spreads throughout the world, including in the United States.

Noble false widow spider

Although the false widow spider noble confined to a few countries, the scope of the spider increases. According to the new study, the Noble Spider of False Widow has developed both in the density and the range, and can now become one of the most invasive spider species in the world. " The researchers think there is a new genetic mutation in the spider that allows them to be more adaptable.

The noble spiders fake widows tend to hang a turn on containers and crates to spread around the world. They can now be found in Europe, North Africa, West Asia and in regions of North and South America. In the urban areas of Ireland and U.K., The noble false widow has become one of the most common species of spiders.

They werefirst spotted to the us.s. In 2011, in Ventura County, according to the direction of Insight Pest. The company noted that the noble false widow is "known for the rapid proliferation in areas where it is not native", it could therefore easily spread.

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The majority of the bites of a noble false widow occur while you sleep.

Noble false widow spider

Enthusiast andPest control expert Ryan Smith RecountBetter lifethat noble false spiders are generally not aggressive. However, "when he is threatened or trapped, let's say in your clothes accidentally, they can bite you as a defense," Smith said.

In fact, the new study revealed that 88% of spider's noble bites took place while the victim was asleep or the spider was trapped in clothes. In addition, almost all bites occurred in and around the house.

The symptoms of a noble bite of widow's life vary from light pain to severe infection.

Arm pain

If you have a bite and you are not sure what the culprit was, you will want to monitor your symptoms. According to the new study, symptoms can range from light pain to debilitation and light swelling intense. Some people have "tremors, reduced or high blood pressure, nausea and reduced mobility." At rare times, the victims have developed minor injuries or needed to be treated for serious infections.

Harmful expert Jordan Foster RecountBetter life It usually takes about 20 minutes so that the symptoms start, and bites usually last one to two days. While most people do not need medical care, he noted that some people develop serious reactions.

After the bite, you must wash the area with soap and water and apply an ice pack or cold compress to reduce swelling, says Foster. Avoid itching the bite to reduce the risk of being infected.

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Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: animals / News
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