10 people not to follow social media

Social media is both a big and quite horrible at the same time. It's a great way to follow friends and a family who live far, it's a good place to find new people and making links, it's even a great place to sell you as an employee or a contractor. However, when you spend too much time on and follow too many people, it can be detrimental to your mental and emotional well-being. So, to stay healthy, you should really think about who you follow and how it will influence you.

Social media is both a big and quite horrible at the same time. It's a great way to follow friends and a family who live far, it's a good place to find new people and making links, it's even a great place to sell you as an employee or a contractor. However, when you spend too much time on and follow too many people, it can be detrimental to your mental and emotional well-being. So, to stay healthy, you should really think about who you follow and how it will influence you. We seriously suggest you do not remove these 10 types of people on social media.

1. Criticism
You know that the person who never stops complaining? They seem to come to social media almost exclusively to moan about something in their lives, work or even about television that they do not receive, movies they have tried disappointing or customer service in their Local coffee being particularly slower of the day. Define them simply, you do not need this stream of constant negativity in your life.

2. Your ex
Should I even need to go into detail on it? You broke for a reason, you wanted them to get out of your life, so why keep them on social media. You really do not need to know what time will they overcome you, how they are doing and hanging with whom they hang out. Do not work and forget simply. You know what, maybe it's even better to block them, so none of you has been tempted to translate on social media. It's better that way for you two.

3. The amazing
If someone shares all his personal details online, including their family dynamics, their romantic interest, health problems, work problems, etc. - They are probably not ok. Some things are supposed to be private. And if you follow them, there is a good chance that you involved in their lives in a kind in a really strange way and reality, while you could spend your time being more productive.

4. The troll
You know who I speak. This person who often displays controversial things, or seems to have joy to start a huge argument in the comments. The one you know not to miss because nothing good will come, then you just read what they have to say, get angry about it, then do your best to avoid reacting so nothing. Why do you torture yourself? Simply avoid them.

5. Baby mom
Babies are cute, but do you really need to see someone else's baby every day? So, you really need to know what they eat, what word they learned and exactly how are their pot of pot? No, no you do not do it. Unless you are their parent. Just disagree that Wirdo who publishes about their baby 12 times a day and enjoy your adult life without talking about baby while you can still.

6. The activist
There is nothing wrong with being an activist, unless you are an armchair activist. You know, this person who shares every job on the problems of society and the unjust and ridiculous life is, but does nothing about it. They have just judged everyone so as not to be a social justice warrior, but really everything they do is post-condescending comments. Unsubscribe.

7. The constant holidaymaker
You do not know how they do it and what kind of work they have (have they even one?) But they seem constantly being on vacation. This week, they are in Paris, then they are in Hawaii, and they are already talking about the next trip, they involve climbing a volcano, diving with sharks and ends with a charming weekend on a tropical island where They can simply relax and live their best life. It's bizarre and inaccessible for most of us, it will simply fill you with envy. Unsubscribe.

8. The humblebrag
"I was wrong for a Kardashian today and the guy in Starbucks gave me my glass for free, even though I looked like a mess and I did not make up. What a strange day, lol ". Does that seem familiar? Simply avoid them. Who needs these boring buildings in your life? They just want attention and compliments and they seek them in the most obvious way. Not followed and forget.

9. The Queen Selfie
Listen, we get it, you look good today and you want to share it with the world. There is nothing wrong with self-expression and validation. But if most of their positions on social media are just selfies - do you really need to follow them? I mean you can not find anything new, and there are only so many times that you can see someone's selfie before starting to annoy me with them.

10. The same obsessed
The same are funny, but some people go too far and reply each even they see. What's the point? We are probably already experiencing this same, you probably follow the same accounts, you really do not need to see him again. In addition, it just has your feed and embarrassment. Relax them and you will suddenly realize what you really missed and how much you have less scrolling as you need to do now.

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