8 foods that stimulate your mood when it's cold outside

The coldest months come closer and that our days become shorter and darker. The less sun we get, the more we tend to feel. Many people end up feeling tired and in a bad mood during the coldest season. However, there are simple simple steps that you can take to improve that. Let's start by eating good foods, which can help strengthen your mood with a cold day.

The coldest months come closer and that our days become shorter and darker. The less sun we get, the more we tend to feel. Many of us suffer from a seasonal emotional disorder and become very sad, lethargic and depressed border, because we can not sufficient sun and that our body has difficulty producing enough serotonin, otherwise known as the Happiness hormone. Apart from this, during the winter month, our body also struggled with the production of melatonin, a hormone that helps us regulate our sleep and can also affect our mood. Overall, many people end up feeling tired and bad mood during the coldest season. However, there are simple simple steps that you can take to improve that. Let's start by eating good foods, which can help strengthen your mood with a cold day.

According to the psychiatrists, this plant has an antidepressant effect. Doctors conducted a study on patients in the psychiatric room, which gave them 15 g of saffron or placebo every day for two months. Three-quarters of the people taking Saffron reported an increase in their "emotional well-being" compared to participants in the placebo group. The researchers believe that the effect of saffron is similar to that of Prozac - it increases the concentration of serotonin in the brain.

2. Pumpkin seeds
The pumpkin seeds are rich in tryptophan, an amino acid that helps your body produce serotonin. This is certainly a good snack to strengthen your mood. It is better to eat raw, this way you will get all nutrients and vitamins. However, when they are fries or included as an ingredient in walnut butters and nut mixtures - they will do more harm than good for your body.

3. Black chocolate
Not only does the chocolate contain tryptophan, which we have established, it is good for you, but the chocolate also contributes to the synthesis of the endorphin in your body, which will certainly make you feel happier. The dark chocolate is also rich in vitamin B, magnesium and caffeine - which help you all to feel more energetic and gay. The important thing is to eat chocolate that contains at least 70% of raw cocoa - a source of nutrients, otherwise it is a true calorie treat that will probably have a greater effect on your size rather than your mood.

4. Chamomile tea
In winter, due to the reduction of daylight hours, we suffer from fluctuations of circadian rhythm - the internal clock of our body. Therefore, it becomes more difficult for us to fall asleep and stay active during the day. Chamomile tea helps to regulate sleep and improves the cognitive functions of the body - memory and perception - throughout the day. The feeling of fatigue, common for many during the winter months, will come back, which will immediately affect your well-being and lift your mind.

5. Fish
Fat fish such as salmon, tuna, trout and mussels are one of the main sources of unsaturated omega-3 essential fatty acids. Our body is unable to produce these beneficial substances alone and can only be obtained from the outside. Omega-3 promotes dopamine and serotonin production and helps strengthen the nervous system. The regular consumption of products containing Omega-3 will help you feel much better and happier.

6. Fruits and vegetables
People who eat more fruits and vegetables and limit the consumption of greases and sweets are less subject to depression than those with a sweet tooth. All due to antioxidants found in fresh plants. Foods such as beans, citrus fruits, spinach and Roman lettuce are high in folic acid, which is an integral part of our health and happiness. The absence of this substance leads to a reduction in serotonin production and can even cause depression. Therefore, the steady consumption of products containing folic acid will help improve your general well-being and your mood.

7. Carbohydrates
A scientific study showed that people on a low carbohydrate diet (only 20 to 40 grams of carbohydrates per day) were more anxious and depressive than those who have taken a low calorie and high carbohydrate diet consisting of whole grains, from Fruits and beans. Researchers attribute the increase in serotonin production to the amount of carbohydrates ingested.

8. French mustard
Another product containing omega-3 acids is French mustard. As a result, using French mustard instead of Mayonnaise (which contains omega-6, which can have a negative health effect when consumed in large quantities), will result in a significant improvement in your health and Your mood, as it is delicious.

Categories: Food&Travel
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