8 tips on how to pay a guy on Instagram

Get the attention of a guy on Instagram is a delicate thing. Sliding in DM is a delicate thing and you have to do it with caution and finesse. But do not worry, we have an infallible way in which you can draw attention to Instagram.

Get the attention of a guy on Instagram is a delicate thing. First of all, you never want to see too desperate and simply spam. But also, just go right for DMS with a "salvation there!" Can be rather useless, especially if you do not know it or has a great thing. Sliding in DM is a delicate thing and you have to do it with caution and finesse. But do not worry, we have a foolproof way in which you can draw attention to Instagram so continue reading.

1. Be subtle
You do not want to come too hard right away and go through their entire flow loving each image. It's bizarre, it's scary, he will think you're a strange fan and do not know about this point. The goal is to love some of their images intermittently. As may be followed for a while, like all the others, or even better, just those who really distinguish you. You want it to notice you, but do not give the fact that you are interested.

2. Comment with intention
There is no point in commenting on someone's job with just an emoji. Nobody takes it seriously, it's basically like spam. So comment with parsimony and only when you have something to say. And by "Do you have something to say"We want to say a spiritual reference to something in the photo. Certainly not comment "OMG UR so hot"I have a class, daughter.

3. Respond to stories
Another good way to draw a person's attention to Instagram is to answer their stories. But again, you have to do it with the goal. Do not write only "Hey Cutie"No one will answer that. Instead, ask yourself about the song in instasis (if it's not already marked, it's obvious that you are much more likely to draw their attention from this way.

4. DM around Valentine's Day
Listen, Valentine's Day cards are so last year. These are DM these days. So, if you feel brave, send them a Valentine's Day Witty DM. Something on the lines "The roses are red, the violets are blue, here is a slide dm to say hello to you"

5. Do you often come here?
If he post a photo of his food or coffee in the cafe or restaurant nearby with "there are often there, I need a new coffee / take away place". Who maybe know that it will start a conversation on the favorite cafes, or maybe they will recommend an item on the menu.

6. You are in my hood
If he marked his location and it's in your city or near your neighborhood - let it know. Respond to this story or comment with "Hey, it's my meeting place". He could suggest meeting later if you are lucky.

7. Compliment with a question
So, for example, you see it poster a lot of photos at the gym and it is in shape - ask him to recommend a class. If you write something in the sense of "You seem that you know your way around a gym and I had been planning to try Kickboxing, can you recommend the best place for that?". He could even suggest to go with you if you are local.

8. Lets drop some heavy tips
If they seem to frequent a bar or post drinks photos answer with "Looks amazing, I wanted to check this place for a moment. Is he good?". It's a bit like you just asked at the bar, but also involving you would like to check with him.

Categories: Relationships
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