The CDC said that this long increases your risk of blood clot

If you are traveling this summer, this knowledge could protect you from a serious risk to health.

With only a month or two to go before the cooler temperatures begin to come back and the school is back in session in many parts of the United States, many people are looking forward to going into a few minutes of summer. And although many people are worried about the race for distracted drivers on the road or turbulence in the sky, there is a surprising danger that you might encounter during these late summer trips that you do not have Not realized that you did not even realize that you risk: blood clots. In addition, experts say that there is probably something you will probably do on the bulk of your trips that can significantly increase your risk of this potentially fatal condition. Read on how you could inadvertently put inadvertently - and what you can do to protect yourself.

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Sitting for four hours or more increases your risk of blood clot.

man in his 30s or 40s wearing face mask for COVID protection and waving at laptop in airplane seat
Shutterstock / Gigs Ragelis

Although blood clots can arrive at anyone, some activities make healthy individuals more likely to develop blood clots. According to disease control and prevention centers (CDC),sitting for four hours or more can dramatically increase your risk of developing blood clots.

Although the CDC notes that, even for long periods of travel, the overall risk of development of a blood clot is low for most people, many factors likely to increase your risk of developing the disease. These include the age of more than 40 years, being a person with obesity, recently undergone surgery, using contraceptives containing estrogen, taking drugs against hormonal replacement therapy, being pregnant or having delivered A baby in the last three months, having a cancer or recently had cancer, having a catheter in a large vein, having varicose veins, having a limited mobility, having had earlier blood clots, or having a family history of clots. Bloods.

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Blood clots can cause serious complications or death.

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While the CDC explains that about half of the people who develop deep vein thrombosis (DVT), the type of blood clot form which is formed in a deep vein, most often in the legs without symptoms, there are signs. Who can alert you to the condition, including swelling of the extremities, a suddenly localized pain or tenderness, a redness of the skin or a skin that feels warm when you touch it.

The signs of pulmonary embolism (PE) -We occur when part of a blood clot stretches and blocks an artery in the lung-can include anxiety, chest pain or discomfort that s Aggrave with deep breaths or coughing cough, coughing blood, breathing difficulties, a fast or irregular heartbeat, fainting and stunning. Pulmonary embolism, which are most oftencaused by the DVTAccording to the Mayo Clinic, frequently proves fatal, with about one-third of the individuals whose PE is not diagnosed or untreated of the disease.

To reduce your risks, get up and move during the trip.

Man walking outside in fresh clean air

If you take a long trip, plan to get up and move frequently during your trip. The CDC recommends taking a break to walk every two to three hours and move your legs regularly between walking breaks.

The Agency also recommends that you frequently stretch your legs during the trips, including extending your legs and flex your ankles, as well as bring each knee to your chest for 15 seconds and retain it, then repetition.

If you have risk factors for blood clots, talk to your doctor.

woman in blue shirt photographed from behind talking to a young doctor with a stethoscope around her neck

If you have any of the aforementioned risk factors for blood clots or if you know you take a long trip to the near future, talk to a health care provider can help you offer a plan to reduce your clot blood risk during the trips.

In addition to moving regularly throughout your trip, this may include the use of low compression or pneumatic compression devices, raise your legs during your trip or taking anticoagulant drugs. However, do not start using any of them without first checking with a health professional to make sure they are right for you. If you notice signs of DVT or pulmonary embolism while traveling, make sure to immediately access a health care facility because they can quickly become medical emergencies.

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