7 anti-aging yoga exercises of the face

It's not just for your body, there is also yoga for your face. And the results you can get there are so impressive that all your reflections on invasive beauty procedures will disappear. Curious?

So we know that exercise makes our body, but what about our face? You would think about talking, chewing and expressing our emotions is enough to keep our face looking for tone. What else can we do? Many people think that if you want to change something about your face, the only option is plastic surgery or loads or botox. Well, there is another non-invasive option - yoga. It's not just for your body, there is also yoga for your face. And the results you can get there are so impressive that all your reflections on invasive beauty procedures will disappear. Curious? Well, go ahead and try it.

1. Lisse Front
If you find that you have a lot of eyebrows, have just seen the beginnings of these front lines forming even when your face is neutral, try to do this facial yoga exercise. Make a surprised face by expanding your eyes as much as you can without raising your eyebrows. Hold it for 10 to 15 seconds and free it. This exercise rings the muscles around your eyes and your forehead. Make it a while every day, whenever you have time and you should see an improvement within 10 days.

2. Bright eyes
If your eyelids become drooping or you see eye bags forming under them, a facial yoga exercise to solve this problem. Put the middle fingers on the inner corner of your eyebrows and put your index fingers at the end of your eyebrows. Apply a light pressure, not strong enough to hurt or feel discomfort, but enough to feel a little pressure. Raises his eyes with your eyes and your eyes. The goal is to get your eyelids lower than moving while you like. Make this slicking about 6 times and then put the exercise by tightening your eyes for about 10 seconds. This should help you reduce the appearance of drooping eye bags, pockets and eyelids.

3. Tonified cheeks
When people get older, they tend to get these saggy or hollow cheeks. You do not want it to try this easy facial exercise to tone your cheeks. Inspire a great sip of air through the mouth forming your lips in a tube and push your cheeks and hold your breath for a little, exhale. Do it a few times and you will start to feel really in your cheeks. Yup, it's silly but it's a workout for your face.

4. Perfect smile
There is a reason why they call them laughing lines - we get them all and it's really not so big from a business, but if you want to mitigate the appearance of these lines, tone your cheeks and Mordez more and keep your skin. could help you go out. Cover your lips with your teeth and make an o shape with your mouth. Now, smile while keeping your lips on your teeth like that. Do it about 6 times or so often, you have to feel it in your lips and cheeks.

5. No double chins
Here is a very easy way to get rid of a double chin or ample skin in this area. All you have to do is prick your tongue on the roof of your mouth (all your language, not just the tip) Tilt your head, smile and swallow. It sounds easy, but it's actually quite difficult to do. Try it, we bet you will feel it the very first time. But try to make at least 5 to 10 repetitions.

6. Swan neck
The Turtlenecks could be able to cover your collapsed skin, but it is better to tighten the skin with a simple exercise so that your neck looks more like that of a swan than that of a turtle. Put your fingers at the base of your neck and press a little to feel a little pressure and hold the skin in place. Now, tilt your head as far as you can and jerk your lower lip. Hold it for deep breaths. Relax. Repeat 5 times.

7. This jaw
If you want this perfect Jawline - there is a facial yoga exercise for that. Pass your lips on the side as if you do a face of "I'm not sure of that", you should feel the stretch of your cheek. Now, turn your head in the same direction while lifting your face at a 45 degree angle. Feel the stretching in your neck. Hold for a few seconds and relax. Repeat both sides 3 times more.

Categories: Beauty
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