10 daily habits that kill your health

Do not forget that our health is directly dependent on daily habits. Many of us are neglected than they regularly expose their dangers. We collected 10 daily habits that kill our immunity and our health. Be careful!

Do not forget that our health is directly dependent on daily habits. Many of us are neglected than they regularly expose their dangers. We collected 10 daily habits that kill our immunity and our health. Be careful!

1. Smartphone
In the modern world with gadgets, we spend more time than with loved ones. They are our main assistants and our main enemies. And all because on their surface accumulates a huge number of microbes. Those who forget smartphone periodically disinfect, expose themselves a great danger. Do not forget to wipe your smartphone with antibacterial napkins at least once a week.

2. Lady handbag
Are you surprised? And in vain. After the studies conducted, scientists found that more than 10,000 bacteria accumulates on the surface of the usual female handbag. And all because, without noticing, we put the handbag in a cafe on the table, on the floor in the office or leave in other not the cleanest places. But if we make cleaning in the room or washing clothes regularly, then you often forget about the handbag.

3. Coffee machine
Offices with coffee machines are happiness for coffee makers, but also danger. The fact is that the flask of the coffee machines is designed for one portion of coffee, but it can noone half a day. During this time, a huge number of bacteria accumulates in it. Therefore, it is worthwhile to wash the flask before using office coffee machines.

4. Habit of home pets
Of course, it is difficult to stay from the Tiskaña and the kisses of your favorite pet. But it is in kisses that a lot of danger lures. So, there is a probability of infection with toxoplasmosis, when a person is infected with parasites, which are out of order of our immunity and weaken the work of the body as a whole.

5. Cutting board
Most owners forget that it is impossible to cut meat, fish and vegetables on a single cutting board. This is a real seatingman bacteria. It is because of this that often arises food poisoning. Do not forget that for different products you need to have different cutting boards.

6. Non-dlishing
Many are pre-soaked the dishes after dinner in the sink, or simply lazy to immediately wash the dirty dishes. But so you create all the conditions for the distribution of dangerous bacteria. In your sink with dirty dishes, intestinal wand, staphylococcus and even Salmonella can develop.

7. Wet towels
In no case can you leave wet towels in the bathroom or in the kitchen, because in their vile, with the speed of light, breed bacteria. Also, you should not throw the used towels to the floor - it is very unhygienically. Ideally, after each use, the towel needs to be washed. And if there is no such possibility, do not forget to dry your towel well.

8. Drying for hands
You will not believe, but when you dry your hands in an automatic dryer, you risk health. It has been proven that the bacteria there are not just accumulated, but also with the air flow easily spread through the room. So it is better, wash your hands, use a paper towel.

9. Rare Winter Winter Things
Ordinary things and bed linen We are erased often, but scarves, caps or gloves are extremely rare. And it is rooted incorrectly. Therefore, we recommend to wash them at least 2 times a month, otherwise there is a risk of disease with sharp respiratory diseases and not only.

10. Washing Hands Hot Water
Wash hands from bacteria and microbes help special detergents, but the water temperature on this process does not affect this process. And if you often wash your hands with hot water, you can earn irritation and even dermatitis.

Categories: Lifestyle
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