10 Game Ultimate of Thrones Couples

Let's take a look at the ultimate match of the torques of thrones. You think all these are not all couples in the traditional sense of speech, but you will see what we mean.

It's hard to climinate why people are so obsessed with the game of thrones. It could be the fuzzy twists, it could be the sea of ​​blood or maybe all hot scenes. Anyway, you can not deny that this show is probably the biggest show on TV right now and it has a huge and really hot, we like to drool the drool. So let's take a look at the ultimate match of the couples of the thrones. You think all these are not all couples in the traditional sense of speech, but you will see what we mean.

1. Sand Oberyn Martell and Ellaria
The Got world is far from just with regard to gender equality, but with respect to Oberyn and Ellaria, it seems that this only couple was really equal. They are absolutely adored. That's how you do it, people.

Thank God, for Jon Snow and Ygritte to have crushed the stereotypes of heroic men and young ladies in distress. This is the couple who gave us an option where a man is saved by the woman. We live for things like that.

3. Daenerys Targaryen and Khal Drogo
Ok, so the way all this relationship has begun is obviously far from perfect and is actually super bad. But we can not prevent us from admiring the Daenerys for the way she has changed throughout this relationship and the amount of respect for drugs at the end.

These two are relational objectives because of their mutual trust and their mutual respect. No matter what happened, they have always invited themselves and knew that their partner would have the back.

5. Missandei and gray worm
We can not see enough of this couple because they are not really major characters, are they. But we love how subtle they are with their relationships. Everything is looking at subtle looks and gestures. They know how they feel and they do not need to show their relationship, which is great.

6. Samwell Tarly and Gilly
It's the sweetest couple because everyone could say that Sam had the crush on Gilly from the beginning, but he did not let show too much, and he has not moved. And when Gilly made the first movement that did not threaten the masculinity or ego of Sam, he just left her to make the first movement and it's pretty cool.

7. Ramsay Bolton and Myranda
Now it's delicate. We know that Myranda and Ramsay were not really a couple. She was her lover. And we also know that Ramsay was a horrible sadistic git and being honest, as well as Myranda was perfect for the other, do not you think?

8. Tyrion Lannister and Shae
This "I'm up to you and you are mine" the line has gone all in happy tears. Tyrion and Shae were so sweet together, until their fall. But it's understandable, once your daughter testifies against you and on top, you discover that she has slept with your father, it makes sense to strangle it. It's after all.

9. Robb Stark and Talisa Jeyne
Robb and Talisa were a perfect couple, they were essentially an equivalent of a Cinderella story. She is a poor war nurse, he is a king, but they fell in love and it was going to be perfect. But alas, it's talking, so you can not really rely on a happy end, can you? You can also count on a blood end.

Are they a real couple? Not really. But hypothetically, they could be and we think they would be incredible. It's so fun to watch them interact that we can only dream of how they could be great like a couple.

Categories: Entertainment
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