What happens in your body if you eat eggs daily?

As a rule are healthy, we can prepare them in different ways, but what happens if we eat them daily? Is there a limit that we should take into account and all the benefits that it offers to come to package and with certain risks?

One of the best foods we can eat are eggs. We all heard of its nutritional values, especially the high protein content. Whether you like to make an omelet in the morning or to pierce them, eggs is a popular food for each of us.

As a rule are healthy, we can prepare them in different ways, but what happens if we eat them daily? Is there a limit that we should take into account and all the benefits that it offers to come to package and with certain risks? Today we'll look at what happens to our body when we eat daily eggs and we will answer any questions you might have. What are we starting with?

1. More energy, more vitamins

Eggs are recommended in the morning because they can offer an energy impetus we all need when we start the day. Certainly coffee can offer you a portion of energy, but what is different in eggs is that energy is constantly released and slow. Mostly its composition is made up of healthy fats and proteins. They are easily digested and we will feel energized for a few hours. In addition to this, we also receive a good portion of vitamin A and B-12.

2. Less stress, more relaxation

If you pass through a more stressful period, you can add eggs to breakfast and you will not regret it. We turn to vitamin D that is also present in the composition. There are many studies on this subject and it is known that vitamin D helps the immune system, regulates our condition and reduces the level of stress that we feel.

In addition to vitamin D, nutritionists tell us that eggs have acetylcholine. Her role is a good neurotransmitter and helps us to manage the level of stress that we feel more easily.

3. Fewer kg, more good

It may sound a bit contrary to expectations, but eggs, although they are rich in fat and protein, they can even help us weaken. First, the appetite will be lower, because we will feel very full after we eat eggs. In short, this means that the chances of eating more are reduced, so the number of calories we consume daily.

4. A better view, every day

Although it is not a product known for views, they can help us maintain our eyes. Eggs contain lutein, but not in a very large amount. Lutein is a vitamin that helps maintain healthy views. The advantage is that egg lutein reaches much easier in the bloodstream. This leads to a faster absorption contrary to other foods that can provide a greater amount of Lutein, but they do not come entirely in the bloodstream.

5. A healthier skin, a brighter hair

Eggs are also a good source of biotin. Biotin, along with proteins help your hair become more resistant. That means it will grow faster, and your hair will look much healthier. Besides, in eggs we find many antioxidants. They make a great deal in removing free radicals that attack our cells and hurry aging. As the free radicals are removed, our skin will look younger and healthy.

6. Stronger bones

The last point we have proposed to present today is related to the bone system. We already know that eggs contain vitamin D. She is renowned for helping improving the bone system. In addition to vitamin D eggs, it also contains vitamin K plus phosphorus, which together do a super business.

In conclusion, we can certainly say that a daily egg consumption can help us from several points of view. It is the duty of each of us to find the balance and the way we choose to use this food to bring positive changes in life, which we all want.

Tags: food / eggs / Health
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