11 single IG power supply with their own style

Nobody gets sick to scroll through the delicious food messages on Instagram that makes our stomach grunt. But sometimes these positions can be a little repetitive and boring. Sometimes you have to mix it with a new perspective. And that's exactly what these accounts have made to stand out from the herd.

Nobody gets sick to scroll through the delicious food messages on Instagram that makes our stomach grunt. But sometimes these positions can be a little repetitive and boring. Sometimes you have to mix it with a new perspective. And that's exactly what these accounts have made to stand out from the herd.

Meet Mel. She eats her way around the world, and her positions have a truly unique perspective. She still holds a food from a different city on a photogenic background that perfectly captures the essence of the city. And gives us a little solid manicure inspiration!

It's hard to believeThis cutie plush is not a plush animal stalled in front of appetizing plates, but it's actually just a very obedient puppy turned Gourmet! Do not worry, the old puppy health parasite is protected by its owner who only puts him with the products, instead of feeding him with them. Do not worry, his Version Tousal treat is just as Miam!

This week#Coulebals News, Michael Cuisine his partner Mark has perfectly matchingsymmetrical breakfast At its own in these incredibly beautiful plates with colorful drinks to complete. Mark must be the ultimate BAE to get this treatment every morning!

Tal is a spiegalPastry chef based in Paris And it displays the photos of the attractive desserts in his hands with a stand-out, a pair of jazzy shoes that complete each shot. Put the walking selfies of everyone and fashion, struck milk shots decadent to shame. These are carefully designed, miniature works of art, which will make you ready to deposit a hundo on macarons at any time.

Some edition certainly played a role, but we do not mind!These shots of type Wingardium Leviosa To look like the photographer is throwing these foods in the air and juggle them with ease. He chooses some pretty things name-worthy that we would like to tear off the tunes! And with some peacock legends. What else could we ask?

head jacques is all about little things in life. No, literally. He works with only small portions, and food styles using tweezers. Oh, and he's junk food like Whip and Doritos cheese, reoriented to resemble exquisite, artisan plates. We have never been so confused by something we are in it!

Similar girl eat world, thisPhotographer and food blogger It is all to capture the photogenic right background to their eats, display them, in a picturesque environment that are in the air. (Some of them higher in the air as others, but with these international specialties, into disorder and splendid, the background is to focus very fast.

The guy who back symmetrical plates for him and his BOO could have to monitor this account! JK,this account is dedicated to all the "struggle plates" that tries to do for this day, but the night has no internal skills, from where it is the epic failure of each final product. Both the ketchup and so many kraft slices melted on things. Ugh.

Cute foods and babies are two of the best things in life, so why not combine them? This IG account combines soft lil father Mike Chau »Munchkins with some of NYC's worthy drool feed. Parents who try to get your children to eat vegetables, hide this delicious Instagram!

This Italian account Takes the style a little silly, published too much @ehgg and raises a little. This appearance of suspended food so delicious, we want to capture with our mouth, the air. This method seems to somehow clean and minimal, using the space and the high quality of the shooting to its advantage. Art or food? Why not the two of them?

Everyone who loses on brunch (we included),Follow this Instagram, at once. This Curated diet shows the best of brunch's best experiences, offering either inspiration for your own recipes, or a very heavy price tag on a fantasy brunch, if you are the lazy genre.

Categories: Food&Travel
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