9 essential tips that will definitely improve your sleep

Here are 9 strong tips to help you sleep better!

Sleeping is a cornerstone of health. You can have the healthiest habits imaginable, go to the gym, drink plenty of water, eat the healthiest foods, but without resting your body and you will feel horrible. What is worse, being tired makes you slower, less effective at school / at work and grumpy. Here are 9 strong tips to help you sleep better!

1. Good sleep takes practice
The first thing you need to know is that you actually feel resting after your sleep requires a practice. Save for amazing medications and meditation skills, you can do very little things to change your sleep resting on a special night. It will take his job and it will take the practice. Be prepared to be an absolute sleep athlete, starting hours of practice before learning how to have a good night's sleep.

2. Be consistent
The best way to make sure you sleep well is to have a stable sleep schedule. A sporadic 12 hours will not be as relative as 6 hours that occur every day at the same time during the night. Now it does not tell me that you can live four hours of sleep as long as they are always between 23h and 3h of 3h, but if you have a stable sleep schedule, you will feel better. Believe me.

3. Power through the mornings
With the advice above, it might be useful for you to learn that when you try to create a coherent sleep schedule, your wake up time is more important than the moment you go to bed. Try to keep your consistent wake up time and experience in your place. To help you wake up at the same time every day - Create a morning ritual. Your "morning brain" is your worst enemy. It's lazy, unmotivated and cares only to sleep. So, know exactly what you are going to do when you wake up before going to bed. Wake up, stretching, shower, brush teeth, take a cup of water, expand again, dress and, at that time, you should be awake enough to continue your day. Power through your mornings.

4. See sunlight
The natural clock of your body works at what frequent and when it sees the sunlight. For this reason, it is important that you are passionate at least an hour every day of direct sunlight. This could mean out for a morning race, go home after school / work, walk for lunch, or anything else works with your schedule. Being in the sunlight helps your body name: "Hey, it's the day. It's the optimal time to be awake and active! "

5. Take the magnesium
Eat bananas or nuts during the day to get magnesium in your body. Magnesium is important for healthy and relaxing sleep cycles. Prepare healthy snacks for yourself throughout the day and regularly replenish the magnesium levels.

6. Stay away from fatty foods
Stay away from fatty foods in the second half of the day. Gras foods take a lot more time digesting, which will create extra work to make your body. If you eat these types of foods several hours before going to bed, your stomach will do a heavy job while you're asleep. It will give you your alarm clock like you are not rested. Your brain needs rest, but your metabolism needs a little break too!

7. Stop your metabolism
Follow-up of the previous point - Let your metabolism slow down several hours before going to bed. Try to avoid late dinners, try not to exclude you on snacks while you binge on your favorite Netflix show and make sure you do not drink your daily water standard just before you sleep. Not only will the water allow your metabolism to work longer than necessary, but you will also wake up early because you will have to go to the bathroom. Try to reduce food intake at least four hours before your departure time.

8. Cut on the blue light
Have you ever considered this because the sunset is usually red and pink, your body takes this as a sign that it's time to go to bed? Well, it's more or less how it works! In the last hours of the day, the amount of blue light is lower, which is the people's sleeping signal for thousands of years. This means that shine your phone, your tablet and your TV, and the blue light of your face with this signal and prevents you from staying longer. And even if Android and iOS devices now have a dedicated "night mode", it is better to avoid technology at least one hour before going to bed.

9. Notes
If everything else fails and you find yourself not having enough sleep - take a nap. A nap of 20-25 minutes can do wonders for your brain and help you stay focused on difficult and taxed tasks. On top of that, take a nap during the day will help you fall asleep at night. Sleep deprivation can be exhausted and severely exhaustion can actually cause insomnia.

Categories: Lifestyle
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